Chapter 46- Pressing Future

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Underlined + Italicised = French

! Disclaimer -> Mention of Sexual Assault !

September 14th, 2016:

I walked by a few people in my attempt to get away from Daeseong, Yoongi, and that hallway. I kept wiping away my tears and rubbing away the stale taste on my lips. I finally get to the bathroom and start gagging in the sink. I was disgusted. I was disgusted with the events that had just occurred and I was disgusted with myself.

I try to calm myself down, but my breathing just kept getting shallower and shallower. I sit down against the cold, tiled wall, my head in my hands. My head was starting to throb from my inconsistent breathing.

"It was just a kiss," I whisper, "you stopped it. It's not a big deal... It's not a big deal..."

The moment kept replaying in my mind. His rough hands grabbing my cheeks, his chapped lips on my smooth ones, his tongue trying to enter my mouth, his hand grabbing my wrist. Slowly, my disgust became anger. I started to grab at the root of my hair. I hear the door open and then Jungkook appeared looking worried.

"This is the girl's bathroom," I state through my crying, not giving him a second glance.

"I mean it's mainly just for you now, since we don't have girl trainees anymore," he says, coming to sit down next to me anyways.

"Please, just leave me alone," I say, continuing to sway and grab at my hair. Jungkook however, doesn't move. He doesn't move, doesn't speak, doesn't stop me from doing anything. He just sat there, looking forward, playing with his hands a bit. Minutes passed by and slowly, I came to rest my tired, aching head on his shoulder. I was still crying, still angry, disgusted, and ashamed, but, after some time, the one thing that didn't feel like sh*t was the fact I hadn't been left alone.

"So... um..." Jungkook finally breaks the chilling silence tentatively, "do you want... are you ready to move to the studio? My @ss is getting a little achy if I'm honest..."

I chuckle a bit. I could always count on Jungkook to make me laugh for no actually funny reason. He takes my chuckling as a yes and gets up gratefully. He pauses after I made no indication of moving.

"Or, well," he says nervously, crouching back down, but I stick my hand out. I flinch a bit as he grabs my wrist. He notices and gently reaches for my elbow so as to not really grab my wrist.

As soon as I stood up, he let go. He catches my back as I stumble backward a bit, weak from all the crying and emotional distress.

We go to the studio in which Yoongi, Seokjin, and Taehyung were all sitting in. Taehyung springs to his feet upon seeing me and gestures for me to take his spot on the sofa. I don't object and smile at him as I sat.

"So Jungkook, anything special in the girl's bathroom? Have you found the reason they spend years in there?" Seokjin jokes trying to liven the mood.

"It's cuz we have to sit," I say quietly, falling into Seokjin's trap to get me to talk. I couldn't resist not countering stereotypes, "and we actually wash our hands".

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