Chapter 8- Featuring

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February 21st, 2016:

We had gone through the dance Sungdeuk had shown us for Fire, one of the singles for our next comeback, all day. It was definitely a challenging one. The separation between the lower and upper body was demanding.

I had quickly gone home to shower and change before heading over to Jieun's for the gathering.

"Y/N!" Jiyong (G-Dragon) exclaimed as he opened the door for me.

"Hi, oppa," I smiled.

"Come in, come in," he put his arm around my back and ushered me in.

"Oh my god, Y/N! It's been so long," Jieun (IU) rushed over and hugged me.

It looked like I was the last one that arrived, other than Taeyeon who had said she would come later. I hugged and said hi to everyone.

"Drink?" Sulli asked, going over to the kitchen with me.

"Sure, I'll have a beer," I nod. I now had more experience with alcohol and knew what I liked.

"Oooo, more experienced now," Sulli grinned, "good for you".

She opened the fridge and got me a beer.

"How have you been? I've seen your... how do I put it... your mishaps," she smiles sadly at me.

"Oh, you know," I laugh dryly, "handling... I got a nose job out of it so, there's a bright side to everything I guess".

"One way to look at it," Hara laughed, having just come into the kitchen.

"Oh, what's this?" I ask, looking at the pot on the stove.

"Jieun unnie made pasta this time," Sulli explains, "apparently she's been slaving over it for hours".

"Wow, thank you unnie!" I shout to the living room.

Jieun comes into the kitchen blushing, followed by Jiyong and Jonghyun.

"Are we waiting for Taeyeon?" Jiyong asks, eyeing the food hungrily.

"No, she said we could start eating without her," Jieun answers, getting plates out.

I help Jieun dish out and we all sit at her dining table. It was nice catching up with everyone. We talked about the entertainment industry, but also world news like the American Presidential election and North Korea's most recent nuke launch. As we finished eating, conversations broke up into groups.

"Hey Y/N," Jiyong, who was sitting next to me nudges me to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I turn to him questioningly.

"So, I've been working on this song lately," he says, a little nervously, "and I've had a few people demo it for features, but I'm not really getting the vibe. Then when this dinner came up, you kind of came to my mind and I think you would really fit. Do you think you try to sing it for me? It's like less than one minute total. It's not that big a deal, it's like repeating a few words...but it's important to me".

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