The way of the water

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Yes the chapter name is because of Avatar I adore the movie(writing a Neteyam x Ao'nung fanfic currently). And yes that is the reason Anexander is learning to control water in this chapter.

The voices echoing thought the castle were unmistakable, it was the kids. Aleksei dismissed them quickly, promising to do anything as long as they were willing to wait another day.

Seeing it was important, they understood and left without any hard feelings.

But despite that the time was still running out, and it seemed to Aleksei that someone had sped up it's passage. It seemed to him like hours passed by in seconds and before he knew it his mate was gone again, only a soulless, limp body laying on their bed without any sign of life.

Recluctantly he returned Theo to the casket in the throne room and wept, he cried his very soul out at the sight before him. Somehow, having him back for that short while and having to let go again made it hurt even more.

He had fallen asleep, from exhaustion, and Trottler was too old to carry him up to his room like he used to, so he slept next to his young master instead.

Once he woke it was time go fulfill his promise to help the kids, who wanted to train with him for a while. Well, Alexander wanted to train with him and the others would just do the drills that the generals gave them.

Even though he would want nothing more but to stay by Theo's side, he forced himself to get dressed and make his way outside.

"How does he always dress so over the top? I wish I could dress like that." Hadrian whispered when they saw Aleksei approaching them dressed in a cotton shirt with frills on the sleeves and the collar, red leather pants tucked into knee high heeled boots and a long black cape that danced in the wind.

"He can hear you." Amaris informed him, having learned the hard way just how good demon hearing is. Some weeks back Aleksei had informed her and Darius that they should use silencing spells in the future since him and Trottler could hear the two making love several floors up.

"No need to be ashamed, everyone wishes to look this fabolous dear. I think something can be done about your wardrobe later today." Aleksei said once he saw Hadrian blush furiously.

"Now, water. I can't exactly show you, but I can explain it to you." Aleksei told Alexander and unblucked the cape, he put it down on a rock and walked into the water knee deep.

"How are you not cold?!" Allyn exclaimed.

"I'm using fire to keep my body warm." Aleksei explained and gestured for Alexander to do the same. "The coat goes off." he added.

Alexander reluctantly removed his coat before stepping into the water to stand next to Aleksei.

"How do I do it? I managed to master everything except from water." Alexander asked, he has been struggling for weeks on end to even get a single droplet to move. He used to be able to control every element at least a little bit but the more he trained the harder it got.

Fire was easy for him because he used it the most in order to keep warm. However all of it used to come naturally to him and once he started to actually try and control it all on another level it all became so much harder.

"Water is difficult because it has no begining or end. It's constant and all present." Aleksei said and opened his palm to create a small ball of flame. "Fire is wild, it makes your whole body speed up in order to keep up with it. Your heart beats as fast as a beast chasing it's pray. Your breath races through your lungs and your blood is heating up. Water is the opposite, it slows down your body, your lungs slow down and your blood flow calms down, your heart is almost as peaceful as when you sleep." he added.

"That makes sense I suppose but how do I do it? With everything else it comes naturally but with water I can't feel anything. It's like it's just not there." Alexander said.

"That's because water is everywhere. In the air, in the snow, in the earth, even in us. You just think you don't feel it since it's something you've felt from the day you were born. The only thing about water you could actually feel is lack of it." Aleksei explained.

"But if I can't feel it how am I supposed to control it?" Alexander asked.

"That I can't show you but I can take you to someone who can."

"And who is that?"

"Merpeople. They live pretty far out, in very deep and violent waters, so I will be taking only you." Aleksei said once he saw everyone's eyes light up. "I can only take care of one of you there. And I am only allowed to bring one outsider at a time."

"How are we supposed to get there?" Alexander asked, lately he felt like he was only asking questions.

"We swim of course. Well, I will swin and you will hold onto me." Aleksei told him and walked deeper into the water.

"So it's true that you can shift into an octopus-demon hybrid?" Alexander asked, again, and followed him.

"I still don't know who made up that lie. No, my only hybrid form is bird-like. I can shift into any animal but only my raven form can actually be made into a hybrid form. I also can't talk in my animal forms so ask any questions now." Aleksei instructed.

"How long will we be gone?"

"Likely the whole day."

"And how far away is it?"

"Last time I remember it was an hour but my swimming skills have probably rusted over time so it might take a bit longer." Aleksei said and once Alexander nodded he dove beneath the surface only to reappear in the form of a large black shark.

He gestured for Alexander to hold onto his back fin and placed a spell on him so the boy could breathe underwater.

To Alexander it was one of the most fun moments in his life, speeding through the sea on a shark that defied all nature's laws by how fast and agile he was, even for a shark.

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