A sacrifice worth taking

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Sorry for the late update and the short chapter, I was sick and the the whole Christmas thing drained me, the next chapter will be normal I promise

"Mr. Trottler! Mr. Trottler!" Ayana yelled once she stumbled down the grand staircase.

"What is it, girl? You yell like you were just told somebody was murdered." Trottler emerged from his room, dressed in nothing but a robe. It seemed he was just about to take a bath.

"The king demands I take the prisoner up to the throne room, he will kill her in exchange for one day with Sir Theo." she explained, barely catching her breath.

"All right, all right. I will do it." he calmed her and brought her inside. "Here, you wait for me in here dear. There's tea and some cake there on the table, right there. Help yourself, all right?" Trottler told her, in a rush to fullfil the order before Aleksei grows impatient. He was getting dressed in a hurry, causing his shoes to be untied and his buttons to be buttoned up the worst possible way. "And don't go out alone, if young master gets angry the castle might attack you, you're safe so long as you stay in here." he added before bolting out the door.

Once he managed to bring the spy woman to the throne room Aleksei wasted no time before pushing the sword straight through the poor woman's heart before she could even blink.

Blood splashed all around once the sword was pulled out and Trottler's clothes got covered in it, he ignored it and looked at his young king, who dropped the sword onto the floor and turned back to face the smoke formation once again.

"There, you got a soul, now wake him up." he demanded.

"No desitation, truly fascinating." the smoke formation said before disappearing.

Aleksei rushed to the casket just in time to see Theo's eyes open ever so slowly. He pulled the human forward and hugged held him tightly. He began to sob as his hands clutched to Theo, as if making sure he was really there.

To his suprise, Theo sobbed as well, he had been able to see the love of his life suffer for so long but no matter how hard he tried he could not comfort him. He was trapped in the sword without a voice, a body or a mind, simply just a sword.

Since he was just a soul for so long his body was numb and unfamiliar, but he willed his arms to wrap tightly around his wheeping lover.

"My love, my love I have missed you so desparatelly. I have missed you so much I do not know how I am still sane." Aleksei told him as he stared into Theo's beautiful eyes. They looked so magnificent, as if the ocean were meeting the desert. Complete opposites crashing together, just like the two of them.

Trottler decided it would be wise to let the two spend the short time the curse has given them together alone, so he moved the body and informed the two that the king's bedroom was cleaned.

Aleksei picked Theo up, not wanting to let go of him for even a second, and carried him up to his room.

Theo had his questions, so many of them, but now that he was able to hold Aleksei again, the questions could wait. He was aware they didn't have a long time so he decided to ask questions leter, for now he was just happy to be like this for a while.

They embraced each other so lovingly, their lips roamed each other's bodies, trying to kiss every last part of the other, their hearts beat in harmony, as if they were one being instead of two.

For someone who had such a way with words, Aleksei was rendered speechless now that he finally had his mate back in his arms.

"Aleksei..." Theo said after some time, breaking their silence.

"Yes, my love?" Aleksei answered that same second, eegar to give his mate anything he wished for.

"What exactly did you do in order to get this one day?" Theo asked, deep down he knew. He was consciouss the second the blade slashed into the spy woman's body, in fact the feeling of waking up was not like waking up from a dream. It was like someone poured a hot, metalic smelling liquid all over him.

Aleksei averted his eyes for the first time since Theo was woken up. He didn't know why, he was aware Theo knew even the very worst of his deeds but it still caused shame to fill even the darkest parts of his heart. Maybe simply because it was Theo asking the question.

"My love, I think you know what I did." Aleksei finally spoke, and Theo did know.

"It all right. It all right, you don't have to aviod my eyes because of it." Theo said and took a hold of Aleksei's face gently.

"You truly are something special, you can love a monster such as myself." Aleksei said with a weak laugh and continued to litter gentle kisses all over Theo.

"If you are a monster, am I not more of a monster if I see all your monstrosities and do nothing?" Theo asked.

"You, angel, are the farthest thing form a monster. You are the most perfect thing in this univeree, and don't you dare think of yourself as anything less." Aleksei told him lovingly.

"In that case you are no monster  either." Theo argued stubbornly.

"I can never argue with you my beloved." Aleksei finally gave in.

They spent most of the day just kissing and refusing to let go of each other, until they were interrupted by the sound of someone calling out for Aleksei echoing throughout the castle.

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