Aria & Ezra; Until We Meet Again

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I stood outside my new apartment building as I watched the removal men struggle to carry my furniture up the stairs.

Being back in Rosewood brought back so many unwanted memories that I wish would go away, but some things you just have to live with. I quickly took the steps two at a time up to my new apartment, and starting to order the removal men around and tell them where everything was.

After two very long hours, my apartment finally resembled something of me. Suddenly, I got a craving for the taste of coffee that I missed so much while I was in India.

I strolled into Rosewood coffee shop, craving the rich coffee flavour that India didn’t offer. My tastebuds were tingling on my tongue as I got closer to the shop. I opened the door with a ding of the bell, alerting my presence to everyone who was enjoying their coffee. Making a BEeline to the que I didn’t even noticed the tall, dark haired man who was walking towards me with a coffee in hand.

“Ow-shit!” I cried as the burning hot liquid spilled over my chest and onto my skin.

“Oh god. I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” said a familiar voice frantically as he grabbed some napkins off the side.

Hesitantly, I looked through my lashes and saw the one man who broke my heart, the one man I hoped to never see again. A soft gasp came from my mouth automatically, which made him look at me with a curious glance, but as he laid his eyes on me his expression changed completely.

“A-Aria?” he asked a bit lost for words.

I nodded slightly, “Ezra,” I grounded out through my teeth through a tight smile with my fists clenched at my sides.

His eyes were as wide as saucers and his mouth kept opening and closing as he didn’t have anything to say. I quickly took the napkins out of his hand and began to dab at my chest, hoping to make it dryer.

“I, uh, I didn’t realise you was coming home so soon.”

I rolled my eyes silently, “Two years isn’t so soon.”

“Uh, alright. Um, how was India?” he asked, trying to make small talk as I continued to pat down my top.


I spent the last two years photographing India, I travelled around and got to see almost every city. It was pretty amazing and some of my photos sold for almost over three thousand dollars.

He raised both eyebrows, “Fine? That’s all I get?” I nodded mutely. “Are you still mad?”

I laughed through my nose. “No of course not! Why would you think I’m mad?” I said seething.

“I think you’re mad,” he concluded, furrowing his eyebrows together.

I hit him in the chest, “Of course I’m mad!” for each word I throw a punch at his chest. “You don’t just dump your girlfriend because you couldn’t handle the baggage that came along as well. You don’t just do that to someone you supposedly love, Ezra. Did you even think about me when you just left me standing there?”

“Well I’m sorry okay! I couldn’t handle it, I admit. There was news teams outside my apartment, journalists showing up at my work! What else was I suppose to do? I could’ve got into a whole lot of trouble if they found out we was dating while I was still your teacher,” he explained, sounding utterly defeated.

“Did you ever think about what I was going through, Ezra? Did it ever occur to you how I felt about everything that happened? You don’t just go with the flow when your dad gets charged for the murder of your best friend! It just doesn’t work that way,” I seethed.

Four years ago, my best friend Ali went missing one night. A year later her body was found, but they had no lead on any suspects, another year later, I was woken up by police officers at the door arresting my dad for the murder of Alison Dilaurentis.

He had an affair with his student while he was still married to my mom, Ali found out and he didn’t like it. She was threatening and blackmailing him with his secret, soon he’d had enough and him and the student, Meredith, who is also a crazy bitch, killed her.

“Maybe I didn’t understand what you was going through, but I had a son to think about as well, Aria. It wasn’t just all about you.”

I clenched and unclenched my hands, “You really think it was all about me? I loved Malcom too, you know. I didn’t want him to get involved and Ezra guess what? He didn’t get involved, he was kept safe. So don’t you dare use that as an excuse.”

He was about to answer when a voice interrupted him, “Ezra, what’s taking you so lo-” he words were cut short when she looked at me.

“Oh, Aria. I had no idea you were back,” Maggie said awkwardly with Malcom standing by her sides.

I smiled a tight, small smile, “Yeah, I got back today.”

Maggie hadn’t changed, she still has that look in her eye whenever she saw me. She thought of me as a threat, and she still does. “Oh how lovely. Ezra, honey? We have to go, Malcom’s soccer match starts in fifteen minutes.

Malcom was staring at me, he’d gotten taller, he looked so much older. I don’t know whether he remembered me or not, “Hi Malcom,” I smiled down at the ten year old who had seem to grow up so much since I’ve been gone.

He smiled brightly, “Hi Aria!” Malcom chirped.

I ruffled his hair with my free hand, “You got taller,” I stated, smiling.

He nodded, “And I got a girlfriend.”

I crouched down to his level, “Ooh, Malcom got a girlfriend,” I taunted. “Is she pretty?”

“Yes! But not as pretty as you!” he added quickly, making me laugh before Maggie interrupted.

“Well if you excuse us, we have to go look at a venue for our wedding!” she told me, wiggling her fingers, showing me the ring. 

They were getting married. Ezra and Maggie were engaged. I tried not to let it show that it affected me, when on the inside I was probably dying. I raised both of my eyebrows, “I thought Malcom had a soccer match?” I said looking down at his soccer shirt clad chest.

“Yeah, well he does.”

I bite back a smile at her being flustered, she always hated me. I never understood why but now I do, she was in love with Ezra.

“I can feel the love,” I murmured, making Malcom smile at The Lion King quotation. I bent down to Malcolm's height again, “I’ll see you soon, buddy.”

He grinned and tackled me into a hug, “Promise?” he whispered.

I nodded, “Pinky promise.”

“I missed you so much, Aria,” Malcom told me.

“I missed you too, buddy,” I murmured into his small shoulder thoughtfully.

Ezra, whom had stayed quiet ever since Maggie appeared, finally spoke, “We, uh, let’s get to the game,” he had a clouded expression on his face.

Maggie grabbed Malcom off me, rather harshly and continued to drag him away.

“Bye Aria!” he chirped brightly.

I waved my hand, “Bye Malcom.”

Ezra followed Maggie out of the shop, following on her tail.

My last thought was what was that look on Ezra’s face when he walked out of the shop?

And I still had coffee all down my top...

Sorry this isn't the best! I'm not J.K Rolling and I'm just doing this for fun, a little fan fiction from my fav show Pretty Little Liars. I hope you enjoy(: 

 ~ Molly May


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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