Chapter 5

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Sunday goes by so fast but I don't want it to end because then I will have to go to school so I spend most of the night watching Gogglebox, I have just finished watching the umbrella academy. I think I've watched it every day for the whole of this week. Its good but because I've watched it so many times its boring. I can predict every line a character might say. I guess I spoil things for myself.

I stayed up till 3 in the morning, I thought that my eyes were going to pop out of my scull because of how tired I was. But I really don't want to go to school. Mostly because of what happened on Saturday I feel like I now have no friends.

When I wake up I know It's early morning, I don't want to check what time it is I don't want to get up. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Ugh, I might actually kill myself. I really don't want to get up. You might be wondering why I don't tell my dad that I'm sick. I can't. He's already at work and I'm stuck with his girlfriend. And she thinks I'm a depressed brat so I doubt she would let me stay home. I go down stairs with my earphones in listening to Raidiohead. "what you listening to ghost girl" shouts my brother from the kitchen. "music what does it look like". He gives me a smile then leaves. "Jess put the kettle on and make me a coffee" its Maddison. For god sake. Can't she do it herself, "fine", I say. I decide to not have any breakfast I feel sick, I don't know why I haven't eaten anything. I go upstairs and get changed for school. I then leave for school. I'm really early and its freezing. I decide to walk to school today as I'm early. I would rather walk than take the bus.

I get to school and see Sarah stood with her friends, I can tell they are ignoring me. I try not to make eye contact when walking past them in the corridor and go to my first period. Today seems weird. Everyone's on their phones looking at something. It's as if they are hypnotized. What is everyone looking at? My phone vibrates so I take it out of my pocket. I have a message from a random number. I open the message to find a video. I wish I never watched that video.

It's a video of this girl called Shelly. Olivia's friend. It's a video footage from the school's CCTV. It's Shelly stood in the middle of the science corridor. The time in the corner shows the video was taken at 8:56. That was only two minutes ago. In the video Shelly's staring at the camera holding knife while smiling. She's shouting something. I can't tell exactly what she's saying but it sounds like I'll be alright or it won't hurt. Then she brings the knife up to her chest and thrust it into her heart. Everyone around me is watching the same thing. Everyone's silent. Everything is silent. People's faces are drenched in fear and shock. So is mine. I didn't know her but when you witness someone killing themselves even if you have never even seen them before you feel sorry. You feel as if you should have been there for them or done something to help. I don't know what to do. The people around me start to move and walk to their lessons as they realize they are going to be late but I can't move. It's as if I'm stuck in the ground. I still have my phone in my hand with the video playing. I'm not watching it but I can't bring myself to turn my phone off. It seems selfish to do such a thing.

It's been 5 minutes and I'm still stood in the same spot, I can feel my brain telling me to wake up move on from this trance like state. I go to turn the video off and notice that next to Shelly's body is her phone. I would have not thought much of it but the thing that caught my eye was that the app commando Joe was open. Commando Joe did it. They killed Shelly.

Author notes: i wonder who killed shelly? 

So i thought i give you a short little description of myself.  My names lilly and im England so if any of the subjects or words dont make sense blame british culture aha. I started writing this book back in april 2022 and i only just finished it today (i did have a writers mind block though august- now, but i managed to find an ending).  Im also dyslexic so if anything is spelt incorrectly blame that. Anywaysss, im going to back to copy and pasting everything from word onto Wattpad. its taking forever :(

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