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Meet An Old Friend

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While walking straight to the front gate, I crept in between trees as I noticed two security guards resting in their watch house. I can't blame them for missing me because it was so dark outside. So I hurriedly sneaked up to the tall entrance gate a few feet away from the watch house, and I held the rusty bar to push it open, and it made a little clink noise. Shit. I paused and looked back over my shoulder, hoping no one heard that.

I pushed the heavy gate slowly, my gaze fixed on the ground, anxiously chewing my lip as it made another small noise. I looked over my shoulder once more, no one, no security on sight. I then pushed the gate quickly this time, giving myself a chance to squeeze myself into the space I opened, holding my breath, tucking my stomach in, and looking sideways as I moved outside. After that, I closed the gate with both of my hands, it made another slight noise, I paused, then continued pulling it, in a hurry this time as I was about to finally close it completely, and it made another loud noise, and I panicked.

"Shit." I whisper-yelled, covering my mouth with both hands, my gaze darting left and right to see if anyone was coming to catch me.

A beat of silence.

Okay, no one showed up, which was a relief... But shouldn't I be concerned about the security of this place? The gate's noise was loud, which should have notified the guards, but it didn't, um. Anyway, let's move on— I guess I'm just good at sneaking out.

As I turned on my heel, a light blue flashlight struck my face, and I covered my eyes with my palm.

Oh, shit.
I knew I'd get caught.

"You are not allowed to be outside the school, kid." He stated.

That voice doesn't sound like Randy or anyone else.

For a split second, my breathing stopped as I heard his voice, his little cocky and attractive voice. I lowered my hand, just as he did with his flashlight.

There, I noticed his green eyes narrowing with amusement as that smirk started to form on his face.

Cam Briel.

He appeared to have just returned or was going out somewhere, because he was dressed in a dark outfit, had his hair down, had a duffel bag on his right shoulder, and a metal rock song was blasting in his earphones over his shoulder as he took the left one out of his ear.

"Ugh, it's just you." I exhaled briefly, relieved, my hand pressing against my chest as I caught my breath. Cam turned off his flashlight, arched his brows, looked up and down at me, pointed at me, and asked, "Are you meeting someone?"

"None of your business." I said, turning around to walk away, when he grabbed my wrist, I was taken aback and gave him an annoyed look, but he held up a finger to shush me while looking across the gate.

We saw two security guards approaching the gate, flashlights beaming to the left and right on the ground. "Oh, no." I gulped, stepping backwards until Cam pulled me and led me to the right side of the entrance gate, where we ran quietly and hid behind these walls, crouching down, Cam in front of me, giving a hush hand signal again, while his other hand remained holding my wrist. When I looked at him, he was fixated on the gate illuminated by the flashlight. "I told you it was a raccoon." the security guard said. "How would you know it was a raccoon when it could be a fox or a— a bear?" the other remarked, excitedly.

Cam was grinning as we both listened to their little argument. "So stupid." he murmured, casting a quick glance over me to see me puzzledly covering my mouth and holding my laugh. "How can we have bears here in this high place where it always rains?" I whispered amusedly, and Cam smiled broadly, "Shh, let him be a kid and live in a fantasy."

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 || CAM BRIELWhere stories live. Discover now