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Secret Identity

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"En garde!" The coach ordered the students to lift their blades and prepare their posture.

Daniel teased, "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

Even though it was my first time, I responded confidently, "That's boring." I had no idea what the hell I was going to do. I have only recently learned the steps from the coach and those who were around.

As we both raised our weapons, Daniel and I prepared our fight stance.


Our blades clashed crosswise with one another.
Alright, I'll just go with the flow from here. I was the first to counter an attack, and Daniel blocked it, twice. I lunged and gave another swing.

Daniel made a joke about my aggressive approach, "Did I do something?"

"Yes, you're too easy." I said sarcastically as I shook my head. I parried Daniel's sword before it could even swing. We heard the two opponents next to us make a noise—it was Luce, who had stumbled over the table as a result of Molly's skillful moves.

Penn was helping Luce get back on her feet, and commented "That wasn't bad, considering it's just your first time."

The coach spotted us being distracted by Luce's performance and said, "(L/n), Grigori! Keep your head in the fight. Again!"

Geez, this class puts you in a life-or-death situation, which is ridiculous but— still fun. The coach then motioned with his hand to stop another round and changed his mind. "Grigori, swap places with Zane."

Molly stared me down with glare eyes.

Daniel and Molly switched places, and I could feel Molly's snarky grin form on her face as she set her feet on position to kick my ass.

Yeah, I'll just vent my rage at her, especially for what she did to me a day ago when she locked me in a room.

"Scared princess?"

"So unoriginal," I said, my nerves tingling beneath my hot skin. Oh, don't pull that Draco's phrase card on me, it makes me cringe.

"En garde!" The coach commanded the students.

Rexha cupped her mouth and cheered from behind "Go (y/n)!" The coach looked at her with a demanding look which made her put her hands down and drop her face into a serious look. Rexha simply wanted to support her new friend, and the fact that they put two teenagers with anger issues together is both alarming and entertaining. Alright, then, let the game begin.


Molly was the first to release an aggressive counterattack, forcing me to take three steps back. She sniggered behind her saber mask, but when I countered a skilled attack that I didn't intend to, as I lunged forward lastly and hit Molly's back with the blade, she and I were taken aback.

To be honest, I didn't know how to fence, yet my mind and body handled the fight effortlessly. "Excellent, (L/n)!" said the coach, his face impressed.

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