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A Friendly Serpent

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"See, I told you, Cam is ghosting you," Rexha chuckled as she chomped a carrot and pointed me with her fork. "Same bullshit as usual." she muttered under her breath.

"All right, and I don't give a shit about him." I bit the tip of the straw cautiously, my thoughts racing. What if he was just doing something else outside of Sword & Cross? I mean, it had been almost two weeks and we hadn't spoken in a long time. Cam hasn't been around much, wait— actually, no, that's not true, I think I saw him walking across the field or by the cemetery sometimes, but he didn't bother to say hello even though he saw me and even while talking to his friends— and damn, I even had to check the rooftop one time, and he wasn't there. Perhaps Rexha is right, he is most likely ignoring me— despite what happened between us at the party? Of course, I recall that moment vividly. Was there ever something I did wrong? Ugh, this is starting to irritate me, all I can think about is this one guy who actually doesn't give a shit about me.

"As you should, someone like him, isn't worth it." Rexha shrugged. It's unusual how I started eating lunch with Rexha and her small group now that I stopped seeing Luce and Penn. It's not because they found out about my health issues or Luce is the same as me, but what would they think if they found out more, that I am a murderer, that I accidentally killed people with fire for reasons I don't understand, I'm sure Luce isn't like that and I don't want them to be included in my problem. I liked them, they were the best friends I'd ever had, but I wanted to protect them by simply staying away.

I took a class with Mister Colin after eating my lunch, and I still haven't seen Cam. The windows were misty and dripping from rain as I gathered my belongings after class.

When I got outside to move to next building for next class, it was raining not that hard or light, I put my bag over my head to avoid wetting my hair and when I reached the Augustine, I felt like I'm being watched by someone from the roof, it was a gut feeling.

I came to a halt in the middle of the field, and even though it was raining, I decided to take a look as I turned my head and slightly looked up and checked the rooftop where I stayed for the first time for lunch break with Cam, and all I could see was nothing, no one was there, but I heard a Woosh! Since it was raining, it had to be just a breeze from the sky. I frowned and looked away, shaking my head to clear my thoughts before sprinting to the building I'd arrived at.

As I walked into Miss Sophia's classroom, I noticed Luce sitting in the second row, her gaze met mine as I made my way to the back, in the second to last one, she looked over her shoulder and gave a tiny smile as if to say hello, and I just gave a fake quick-smile before looking away.

"Now, now, take all your seats." Miss Sophia waved her hand up and down by commanding the students. Roland was the last one to enter the room, so when he was about to close the door, a loud running noise echoed from outside in the hall until it didn't as they arrived, they pushed the door Roland was holding, their head popped out, "Yo, sup?" Roland greeted him, amused by his friend's unexpected arrival while he headed to his seat.

I looked up to see Cam enter the room and close the door behind him, he just nodded to Roland as a greeting, and he was breathing a little rapidly from running late for this class. I thought he didn't care about anything from this class, but now, he suddenly appears to — for now.

Miss Sophia tutted and said, "Oh, good to join with us today, Mister Cam!" and Cam glanced at her, smirked faintly, "Good thing I'm on time." then his eyes landed on the place where I was, he remained his gaze at me, he brushed his dark hair through the side which was messy and completely wet from rain and yet, he looked good. What was he attempting to accomplish with his sorry glance at me? Was he apologizing by looking at me? Okay,— that's pretty shitty of him, regardless of how the expression of his eyes were exchanged to pleading. Please don't look at me like that. I hate when you look at me like that. I averted my gaze, avoiding him and his attention.

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