Ch. 8 - The Scarlet Witch

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(A/N: Okay, so I wasn't really sure what to do with this chapter partly because this episode was mostly about Aqualad. Anyways this is what I came up with, I truthfully don't really like it and might rewrite it I don't really know yet, but if you guys have any suggestions or anything to add please let me know, I always want to know what you all think. Okay, enjoy the chapter.)


Gotham City; August 27th
6:17 EDT

The sounds of a fight are able to be heard outside an abandoned building. Kaldur is hit hard, his WaterBearers falling out of his hands as he continues to roll until he hits a garage door hard enough to dent it, the splatters of clay over his dark skin and his short blonde hair instantly give away the identity of his opponent. As he falls to the floor his tattoos stop glowing. Clayface walks past the rest of the Team who are all unconscious and covered in clay, like Aqualad. Forcing himself to look up, he sees Clayface's shadow step into the light as he laughs. Then watches as his left-hand turns into a square-mace. As Clayface raises his arm to attack, a familiar shadow gets larger as it gets closer to the glass ceiling.

Crashing through the window is Batman, who takes Clayface's full attention, then launches two Batarangs at the villain. Only for them to be absorbed into his arm, for a moment, until they explode and completely destroy his arm. As Batman lands in a crouch before Clayface, the villain strikes once more, but Batman jumps back to avoid the hit. Pulling out a high powered taser that sticks to the right side of Clayface's chest and continues to send electricity through the villain until he loses his form entirely.

Batman's eyes narrow as he stands. Zeroing in on the one person still conscious.


Mount Justice; August 27th
7:58 EDT

Batman faces the Team as they walk through the Zeta Tube and into the Mountain. "I need to talk to Aqualad. The rest of you hit the showers and head home."

"Head home?" Superboy asks as he raises his arms, gesturing to the Cave, an annoyed look on his features. "I am home."

"Just Aqualad." Batman says darkly, looking to his own protége.

The thirteen-year-old looks up to Kaldur, who returns the look. Looking into the Cave Robin keeps his eyes away from Batman as he walks past him. Only looking over his shoulder for a second, not even slowing in his steps, his eyes falling to the floor as Batman keeps his focus fully on Aqualad.

Levi walked into his room from the showers after spending 30 minutes getting the clay out of his hair. He walked over to his closet putting on some casual clothes and wrapped himself in a cardigan, he then picked up his laptop and sat on his bed searching for anything that could help him remember what Klarion called him.

He searched for all sorts of magic-related things, Red Wizards? Nope, nothing. Red Sorcerer? Still nothing. That is until he finds a tab about a scarlett entity. He clicks on the tab and sees an article about a mystic being with a powerful connection to magic.

However before Levi could read it an orange cat with black stripes and piercing red eyes, appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Levi set his laptop aside to look at the cat, picking it up petting the feline behind the ears. He wasn't even sure how it got in his room to begin with. The cat meows at him before leaping off his lap and walking over to one of the corners in his room.

"My, you're easy to find." Klarion's voice said as a dark figure came from the shadows. The shadow then took form of Klarion. Levi stood up quickly raising he's hands ready for a fight, but his powers weren't working. "Uh oh, I guess you're magics no good." He added.

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