Dear Mum

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Dear Mum, you are the one who's always there,
In times of joy, in times of care,
Your love is constant. It never fades.
No matter the distance, it still pervades.

I miss your hugs and your gentle kiss.
The way you listen and never dismiss.
Your gentle touch and soothing voice.
Brings peace and comfort. I have no choice.
But to love you, dear Mum, with all my heart.
Though we're apart, we're never far apart.
For your love surrounds me. It never ends.
It's a love that transcends all boundaries and bends.

So here I am, missing you so.
Wishing I could see your face, your smile aglow.
But I know you're always with me in thought and prayer.
That love, dear Mum, will always be there.

P.S. For my Dearest Mother, Lisa.

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