4 | Truth or Dare

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"Uh huh. Do you know that Lover Boy has not stopped watching you since the moment you entered the cafeteria, right?" Hazel asked, having been the first to notice Billy continually staring at her best friend. Isadora shrugged and didn't say anything, but she couldn't help smiling a little. For the rest of the day, Isadora made sure to focus in all her classes and after school was finished, she was quick to shove her books in her locker before making her way out of the school, skipping a little as she walked. She had just reached the carpark when heard footsteps and she turned to see Amanda approaching her.

"Hi —" Isadora said, making a feeble attempt to at least being cordial to the brunette cheerleader.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from Billy," Amanda snapped as she came to a stop in front of Isadora, who took a step back, slightly worried the other girl would try and hit her again.

"And I told you that we were just working on the project together."

"Oh, that's cute. From what I've heard, the little virgin slept with him and now seems to think he wants to date her. Let me make something very clear to you, Billy is never going to date a pathetic, ugly bitch like yourself. Once he has had his fun, he will toss you aside and come running straight back to me."

"That's where you're wrong. I haven't slept with Billy because like I told you, we are just working on a school project together," Isadora said, as she looked over to where Billy was leaning against his car.

"Do you really think you can steal Billy from me? Are you really that much of a pathetic bitch that you think sleeping with him will suddenly make anyone like you? You know what, I bet even your parents don't like you and wish they had never had you," Amanda snapped. Tears blurred vision as the comment hit a nerve, re-opening old wounds for Isadora.

"Shut the fuck up and leave her alone, Amanda. Come on, Princess," Billy said, as he reached the teary eyed blonde and led her away from Amanda. As he touched her shoulder, Isadora flinched and Billy moved his hand down her back as he led her over to his car and as they reached the car, he opened the door and helped the blonde into the car.

"T-Thank you," the blonde sobbed, unaware that people around them were staring. After making sure she was safely in the car, Billy quickly closed the door and walked around to get into the car and as he drove away from the gawking crowd, Isadora looked out the window as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Are you okay, Princess?"

"No thanks to your girlfriend, I'm fine."

"She's not my girlfriend and you don't seem fine," Billy said. As Isadora sniffled, he looked towards her and reached over to squeeze her thigh, "There's should be some tissues in the glove compartment if you need them."

"T-Thanks. And I'm fine, I guess. I mean Amanda hates me even more than she already did now that you've dumped her," Isadora said, as she opened the glove compartment and grabbed out some tissues that were sitting in there.

"She's wrong, you know."


"People do like you, Is. And I think you're pretty."

"Thanks, I guess, but you're wrong; most people have made it pretty clear they don't like me. And if it wasn't for this stupid project, you probably wouldn't even be talking to me. They're right, you know. I'm a pathetic loser w-who —" Isadora trailed off as Amanda's comment replayed in her mind; not even your parents like you, and she quickly wiped her tears away as Billy spoke up again.

"Princess, you're not pathetic, and the project gave me an excuse to talk to you. I kinda don't want to finish it because I still want to have an excuse to talk to you," Billy said. Isadora turned to look at him and a small smile cross her face.

The Great War | Billy HargroveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz