His vision blurred as his eyes widened. He tried to scream, but his voice was horse and nothing escaped his mouth. He fell of the chair, crawling backwards as far as he could. He had to get away from that.. thing. That horrific sight.

His breath quickened, along with the rate of his heart and thoughts running through his head. Hands shaking, he slapped himself, wanting to get rid of this feeling and forget about everything. Can he apologise? If he said he was sorry, would this all go away? Or was it too late?

"I'M SORRY!!" Katsuki screamed, hoping and praying that these two words would solve everything. "FORGIVE ME!" He continued pleading. Izuku was watching him yesterday, so maybe he was now. Katsuki hoped he was watching and listening, considering to forgive Katsuki.

After Katsuki had screamed, his Mother rushed into the room he was in. She found him curled up on the floor, his hands clutching his hair and pulling, his eyes clamped shut. Tears were running down his face as he sobbed, choking on his own breath. She saw the open box on the table, and immediately knew what had happened. She didn't even need to look inside to know what sort of item she would see. She just went and hugged her son, wanting comfort him as much as she could. But he pushed her away.

"GET OFF!" Katsuki shrieked. He shoved his mother off of him, stopping the hug. He wiped the tears from his face, only for his cheeks to become soaked with tears seconds later. "I NEED DEKU!"

Now that was something that shocked Mitsuki, and it was also the point that Masaru had ran into the room from hearing the commotion. He ran towards his wife and son, opening his arms and hoping to give them both a hug, but Mitsuki held her hand out to stop him, knowing their son didn't want any of their help right now.

"Give me Deku.." Katsuki asked, a quiet voice this time. No one knew why he wanted his childhood friend, but he did. Even though everyone at this scene believed that it was Izuku who was tormenting him, Katsuki wished for him to be in his presence.

"Katsuki, hun, that isn't going to happen.." Mitsuki finally spoke. She looked at her husband and gave him her phone, signalling to him to call someone, preferably the police. He walked away, dialled a number and put the phone to his ear.

Mitsuki continued trying to calm him, but Katsuki was having none of it. He wanted Izuku, and no one knew why.

In less than 15 minutes, the Police arrived. They took the box and had a look at the contents. Along with the human heart, the found a letter. The letter had stated, 'Hope you enjoy your present Kacchan~'.

Katsuki had fallen asleep from exhaustion, still calling out for Izuku before he did. Police found the organ, and later got a call from a family who stated that their son had been murdered; his heart stolen from him. There was no doubt that the two things were connected, and there was only one suspect. Well, that was until a certain hero got himself involved in the situation.

"I saw the boy," All Might announced. "We had a chat, and it isn't him that is doing the killing, the torturing, any of it."

Some police officers scribbled down some notes on that the Hero said and others put on thinking faces, trying to come up with questions or responses to his protest. Currently his protest wasn't that strong as he had only said that the two had spoken with each other, which wasn't a very convincing argument.

"And how do you know it was truly the boy we're looking for?" One officer spoke up. He had a stern look on his face, almost as if he was trying to say that he didn't like the hero.

"Green hair, green eyes, admitted to his name," All Might thought back to the recent encounter with the boy, trying to remember everything about him and what they spoke about. "He was scared out of his mind. He even knew the Bakugo kid that he has supposedly been targeting. 'Kacchan' is what he called him. The villains must have been doing something to make him do these things." He sounded as convincing as he could. He knew he wasn't lying, but other may think he was.

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