Chapter V

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Staring back at his reflection in the mirror, Izuku didn't see himself anymore. He didn't see the kind and caring young boy anymore. He didn't want to see that boy anymore. However, he did want to get revenge for that boy. He wanted to get revenge on those who changed that boy into someone that will never live to see happiness again. At least, he thought he would never see happiness again. What else was there to think when everyone you loved and lived for has left you for one reason or another? Mother dead. Best friend is a back stabber. People who seem to care don't have truly good intentions. Take the lady from earlier for example. What was her deal? Show care to someone so broken then go and hurt them more. Izuku has no sort of idea what her intentions were, and he doesn't intend to find out. Instead, he just began plotting. Plotting revenge. He would probably become an eccedentesiast for the rest of his life. A person who fakes a smile when, in reality, they're only suffering inside.

"What did I do to deserve this life? Who in the heavens thought it was going to be funny to watch me suffer? Oh well.. I'll just give them a show and make others suffer instead.."

Izuku smirks as he grabs a knife and slits his own neck, watching blood gush out of the fresh wound and down into the sink. But almost immediately, it healed.

"Still can't kill myself.. huh. My regeneration seems to have gotten even stronger. What a pity.." This was all Izuku had to say about another suicide attempt. I'm not even sure if I can call it that, for Izuku knows he will live no matter what he does to himself or what others inflict into him. He just has to wait his life out until he dies of natural old age.

"I'll just start my revenge tomorrow~"


Izuku woke up bright and early this certain morning. And by bright and early, I mean 4AM. He wasn't the slightest bit tired, though. For with his quirk, he could go forever without sleeping, yet it was boring just staying up all night. He could also skip meals for his whole life, so he never had the problem of wasting money to buy food for himself.

Izuku changed into an all-black outfit to his himself. This concluded of black baggy joggers and a large black hoodie to hide his features if caught on any cameras. Walking down the the kitchen, Izuku grinned a wide evil grin and grabbed the largest and sharpest knife he could find. He ran the blade across his hand, leaving a deep wound on his palm. But after only about 3 seconds, that was gone and blood dribbled off his hand. He smirked with delight and decided almost immediately that this was going to be his weapon. The possibilities of revenge are countless, and Izuku was hoping to try them all. And he would make Katsuki suffer for the longest, for he was the one that hurt Izuku the most. He hid the knife in the large pocket at the front of the hoodie, and made his way to the destination..

Down the road and a few left turns, Izuku finally reached the house. Of course he wasn't just going to walk in through the front door; that would be utterly stupid. Izuku may have become crazy, but he wasn't a simple-minded idiot. Instead, he went round the side of the house to find a drain pipe, which lead up to a window.

Izuku didn't need to be careful, because even if he fell, nothing would be a problem. Heal in a few seconds and try again. But he did need to be quiet. The room Izuku need to head to was exactly the room of which the window lead to. He had no evidence that would tell him if his target was a light or heavy sleeper. Izuku climbed and climbed, until finally reaching the window..

Was it locked? No. Izuku smirked a pulled it open towards himself. He then used the handle to hoist himself up onto the window ledge, and now he was inside...

The male was sleeping soundly on the bed. Izuku walked over to him and admired the boy.

"You made me suffer. You put me through pain. You should be thanking me that I'm not making you suffer the way I did."

And after talking to the sleeping teen, Izuku's hand gripped the knife's handle in his pocked and pulled it out. Then, it one quick and swift motion, he sliced the boy's head clean off. Blood was spilling everywhere, and Izuku loved the sight; he just stared at it in awe. To him, this was now one of the best decisions he had ever made. One out of the four men that made him suffer was now gone, and no one could do anything about it. Revenge felt nice.. revenge was now all Izuku craved for. His eyes widened and he grinned as he took in what he had accomplished. Izuku grabbed the decapitated head by it's brown hair and looked at it with such glee. Blood had almost stopped spewing from the neck of the parted head.

Once the bleeding of the head had ceased. He jumped out the window. Just jumped straight down. He landed on his feet, but broke both legs. His knees buckled beneath him and he kneeled on the floor for a few seconds before rising to stand again when his legs felt as good as new. He ran home, avoiding the few people already walking about so they wouldn't notice the boy holding a head. However, in this light from a certain distance, it may as well have looked like a basket ball instead.

Walking inside his home, Izuku placed the head down on the kitchen counter.

"MOTHER, I'M HOME!!" Izuku sounded crazy. He was crazy. Crazy for the blood of those he hated. Crazy for revenge. He was no longer an ordinary citizen of society, oh no. He was a cold blooded murderer. Except no one knew it yet. The murdered boys' parents would wake up in the morning and find their child lying in a pool of his own blood without a head. They would scream and cry and mourn at his passing, while only the thought of it made Izuku grin widely and laugh like the maniac he had become. They wouldn't have any idea who had done it. No one would even know the murderers intentions, apart from the one and only, Katsuki Bakugo...

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