Chapter VI

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A scream echoed throughout the Bakugo household. This scream came from the only child of the Bakugo's. It came from Katsuki. Who would have thought that something scared Katsuki so much as to make him scream like that? The boy wasn't feeling right ever since that incident with Izuku where he went almost crazy, but that wasn't what this was about. Or was it? Katsuki sounded obviously terrified, but he had never been terrified of Izuku.

It was currently a Sunday, and the incident involving Izuku - Deku, as Katsuki knew him - had happened on the Thursday. Katsuki had woken up this morning and checked the weekly post as usual. He found a few letters and a parcel waiting outside their front door. It was unlike Katsuki's parents, Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo, to order things online, but Katsuki soon shrugged it off, thinking it may have been a gift for one of his parents.

Scanning through the letters of the ordinary bills and payments addressed to his parents, Katsuki found something interesting. He put the parcel he was still holding in his left hand, down on the living room table and took a letter that was most obviously addressed to him.


Ripping open the letter, Katsuki became intrigued. He never got letters unless it was a 'special date' or something's, and he hadn't recently signed up to anything that would send this sort of thing. There hasn't been any special events that he knew of either, so that ruled out distant family members sending a letter to him.

The letter was hand written on a normal piece of paper. It was surprisingly neat for writing without lines, and Katsuki had sworn he'd seen the handwriting before somewhere. He decided to read the letter and discover who had sent it and why.

Dear the one and only, Katsuki Bakugo.

And interesting start for a letter, sure, but he read on.

I don't know how you're doing after the recent incident, for I know it had left you in quite the state. Trust me. I saw you.

Were they talking about the recent event with Izuku? Or something else that Katsuki couldn't currently recall? Katsuki tried to piece the puzzle together in his head, but nothing seemed to make sense. But even if it was the incident with Izuku, who saw him? For all Katsuki knew, it was only him and Izuku up on the roof at that time.

You're 'friends' found it funny that the kid Izuku tried to commit. They were some of the disgusting ones filming it. What a bunch of filthy, good-for-nothing roaches.

Katsuki couldn't help but agree. He had no idea they were filming either. Truth was, Izuku himself only recognised them when he walked through the crowd and they were still recording. Even Katsuki found it horrible, and he beat Izuku up most days of his life. He was still confused as to whom this person was; he didn't know who would write to him like this and about such situation.

I hope you are thinking what I am thinking; how terrible and disgusting it is to do something like that, but then again, isn't it just as terrible to think that you were the one who pushed to kid to try suicide? Does that hurt? Does that leave a deep wound in your heart? Or are you just as horrible as the others?

Katsuki's heartbeat almost stopped that second. He nearly dropped the letter. Someone knew what I was doing... His breath hitched, but he pulled himself together and read on. After all, he wasn't a wimp at all. He was a powerful grown man.

Izuku must have hurt so much.. in fact, I know he hurt. I know he hurt so terribly. It drove him to suicide. It drive him to insanity. It drove him to m/\|_-/-.

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