Chapter 14

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We arrived and the place was roam with thousands of Nomu's. I was told, with also Tokoyami to evacuate the civilians as the heros and cops tried to stop the monsters. I remember watching the news hearing about the USJ attack and when that Nomu guy was contained by the cops. All these monsters, these inhuman beings...looked similar to him.


Immediately, I turned as a woman came running over to me.

"Please!" she cried, her expressing drowning with distress, "my husband, he's badly hurt. He can't walk." The woman's voice sounded broken and scared. I glanced at Tokoyami who was busy helping others.

"Show me the way," I said, turning my attention to her. The moment I said that, she turned racing away as I quickly followed close behind. The woman was in such a hurry that I wondered how badly her lover's wounds were.

"Ma'am," I called out, still racing after her, "can you please clarify where your husband is injured?" I was able to learn some first aid at UA and fortunately I still remember the written test about it. Mr Aizawa would always gives us unexpected pop quizzes. Unlike most people however I was ready for that, mostly thanks to Yaoyorozu.

Just then, the woman came to a sudden stop as I did too, awaiting for her reply. My face went pale as her skin suddenly melted away, the old skin dripping away as it changed to a younger figure. I froze meeting with those glowing amber eyes yet again.

"Everywhere," Toga stated with that exact psychotic grin I last sure, "it was so pretty. You should've seen all the blood Y/n!" I froze there in shock as I felt the anger swell up inside of me.

"How could you!?" I yelled, "they were innocent-" However, Toga suddenly jumped at me, swinging a knife at me.

I quickly dodged, only feeling the blade graze against my cheek while feeling the stinging pain of blood ooze down my face.

"Come on, don't be like that," she giggled, "it was fun!" I scoffed in disbelief, wanting to remove that no-good of a smile off her face. Her laughter suddenly died out as she sighed, look over at me.

"Shigaraki wants you dead, you know that right?" she said as my eyes widened, processing her words. Ah shit, I thought while my gazing meeting with the floor, they're all after me...

"I don't want that though." Her words confused me as I looked back up to her. She was gazing at the knife she held, tracing the tip of the blade with her finger.

"I just want to see you bleed out," Toga sighed, looking at me with a smile, "I want to cut you open and taste your blood while you cry. Is that to much to ask for?" I remained silent, not daring to reply to such a question.

"But an order is an order, no hard feelings." Again, Toga suddenly hurtled herself at me, not giving me the opportunity to dodge as I was tackled to the ground. Her hand with the blade risen and went clashing down, however I grabbed her wrist while the knife only inches from my throat. Without thinking, I kneed her in the stomach, pushing her away as I got to my feet. She did the same, but just before she could make a move, another knife came flying at her, but Toga dodged in an instant. The throw was so violent that it almost slicing right through her skull. The thing that frightened me however...was the flying blade came from behind me. I could feel him walk up from behind me before standing in front of me to my defence, as I recognised that fluffy green hair.

"Don't fucking touch him," Deku said coldly, glaring at Toga. The girl only giggled, gazing at Deku a deranged grin.

"Shiggy isn't gonna be happy with you~," she laughed. Deku scoffed not bothered by her words.

"Y/n, leave now," he stated, finally addressing me. His voice was intimidating and cold, making anyone tense up. I couldn't believe this guy, expecting me to run away like a coward.

"No," I snapped. Deku glanced at me, his eyes intoxicated with that glare I had never seen directed to me. He turned, fully facing me.

"Y/n I swear-"

"I don't give a fuck," I interrupted, glaring right back, "I'm not a damn child." He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Sometimes you acted like it." Before I could punch him, a wave of heat devoured through the alleyway as I realised I suddenly felt a hand grip my hair. It yanked me back as I yelled out a curse, wondering if my hair was about to be torn off. I could see Deku looking furious at the stranger who held a painful grip on my hair.

"What thee fuck are you doing scar face?!" Deku shouted, "let him go! NOW!!" Just as he was about to lash out, Toga suddenly wrapped an arm around Deku's neck holding her knife up against his throat.

"No, I don't think I will," Dabi replied, "you've always pissed me off." Without even thinking, I stomped on his foot. Dabi muttered a curse as I felt his grip on my hair release, giving me the opportunity to get away. However Dabi grabbed my left arm in a painful grip.

"You prick," he snapped. I glanced over about to lash out, but went pale as I saw a psychotic grin across his face.

"I'll fucking kill you," he continued coldly and he triggered his quirk. I felt a sensation in my arm. It felt freezing cold as it went numb, I couldn't feel the part where Dabi held me in a strong grip.

Then the pain came, blue and aflame. I screamed out in agony, the pain to much to bare. I thought a broken arm was bad...however feeling the flesh on my arm being fried too the crisp was torturous.

"Y/N!!" Deku cried, suddenly grabbing Toga's sweater as he threw her to the floor. She tried lacing out at him with her knife, but he was already racing to us. He darted at Dabi, smashing his fist across his face. Deku's arm wrapped around me before he suddenly used his quirk, getting us away from the alley that was being swallowed by flames.

We landed on the roof of a building as my hand gently rested on the burn, holding back a tear.

"A-Are you ok?" Deku asked, bringing his arm back letting me go. I bit my lip before nodding.

"Yeah...I'm fine..." I didn't look at him...I couldn't. However a sudden thud caught my attention as I looked over, Deku laying on the floor as I then only noticed the stab wound between his ribs.

"What the- Deku what happened!?" I said, kneeling down next to him, "come can hear me, right?" His eyes looked heavy as they closed, making my stomach twist and my throat clog up.

"Deku...Deku come on." I began shaking his arm gently as I began to panic.

"Deku? Deku?! Izuku wake the hell up!!"


Invisible Strings | Villain Deku x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now