Chapter 13

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Third P.O.V.

They eventually arrived at Kings Landing. The children were scared and clung to their mother and father. People watched as bunch of dragons fly to the Dragon Pit which scared scares them even more.

They are put into a big carriage together. Which left them to talk.

"Mom?" Ally asks looking at her mother.

"Yes, dear?" Alyssa asks.

"Are we going to become princesses and princes like you were?" Ally asks.

"Is that what you want?" Alyssa asks

"No, I want to go back home and stay on the beach." Ally says.

"I know me too, sweetie." Alyssa says.

It was quiet for what felt like hours before the carriage came to a stop. Alyssa looks at her husband who has a worried face.

She quickly takes his hand and squeezes it. He calms a little and kisses her forehead.

"This is not how I thought when wanting to meet your family." Alfred said.

The carriage door opens to reveal Ser Criston. He helps Alyssa out of the carriage. Alyssa turns as her husband gets out then followed by their children.

Spectators watched in amazement and shock. Not just the woman but the children.

"Can I burn them?" Alysia asks noticing the looks her family was getting.

"No." Alyssa told her daughter as they were lead into the castle.

Hades was in his mother's arms as Rhea was in Alfred's arms.

Maids, squires, servants and guards stopped and watched as the newest sixteen additions walk through the castle.

"How do you get used to the stares?" Alfred asks.

"Practice but mostly I just ignored like my sister did when she had her bastard children." Alyssa whispered.

Soon they arrive at the throne room where Alicent and Viserys was waiting. When the doors opened Alyssa wanted to run. Because not only were her parents there but her three younger siblings too.

"Oh my darling daughter!" Alicent says excited and rushed over but Alyssa stepped back.

She surely didn't want a hug from the woman who "raised" her.

"Alicent, leave the poor girl alone. She just got home." Viserys told his wife.

"Oh my goodness look at these little angels." Alicent says seeing the two small children not even noticing the children behind the two. "You destroyed your maidenhood by having bastards!?"

"They aren't bastards. All fourteen of them are from my husband." Alyssa says.

"Fourteen!!" Alicent screeches. "And husband!?"

Both Hades and Rhea both start crying. The parents quickly try to calm them down.

"Now look what you. You woke them after I tried to get them to sleep for several hours." Alyssa says angrily.

Eventually the two youngest calm down and fell right back asleep.

"Maybe we could bring in a wetnurse." Alicent suggested and both parents brought their children closer to them.

"I breastfeed all fourteen and I'll breastfeed my youngest thank you very much." Alyssa hissed.

Viserys walked over.

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