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It was a beautiful, breezy afternoon in the Griffin household. Peter Griffin, who was watching TV, as normal, hears a knock on the door. Being lazy as always, he asks Meg Griffin to open the door for him. To Peter’s surprise, the person at the door was the mysterious stranger from the flower shop downtown. Peter rushes up from the couch and pushes Meg aside with full force.

“Wowzers. Is that who I think it is?” Peter says in shock.

“Yeah it is babygirl. I’m here to purchase you for 100 billion dollars. You up bbyg?” replies the mysterious flower shop stranger.

Just as Peter was about to decline, Louis Griffin dashed to the door repeatedly accepting the offer.

“YAS! Take Peter PLEEEAASSEEE,” Louis demands.

And just like that, Peter found himself sold to the mysterious stranger from the flower shop, who goes by Discord aka the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony.

Peter griffin x discord mlp (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ