"I can only give you my word," Queen Lyra declared.

I wanted to remind her that the word of her family had yet to mean anything, but then I remembered the unconscious man with the mark of a Hunter across his ribs, and I felt I was in no position to say anything with the secret I harboured.

"When do we leave?" I asked, hands clenched into fists so tight that my nails marked crescent moons across my palm.

"As soon as our means of travel allows."

* * *

I drankfrom the bone-carved cup slowly, not because I was thirsty. No, I simply needed to keep my hands busy. I did not long for the water that passed my lips. It was a stronger substance I desired, something that would warm my chest and make my mind hazy.

And as I took the short, uninterested sips, I could not take my eyes off the elegant, green-glass bottle full of a honey-coloured wine waiting patiently on the table before me.

"I will drink from it first if it makes you feel more comfortable?"

Erix and I had been left in the royal quarters whilst the plans of our quick departure were underway. He had done everything to ensure my comfort, offered to fetch warm water for a bath, to rummage, uncaringly, through King Thallan's clothing to find me something less torn and dirtied to wear, but most of all, ensured he took the first sip or nibble of food before he gave them to me.

Although his attentiveness picked at the corners of my annoyance, I also did not complain. It was calming knowing I could trust him, without him giving me a reason to. Unlike Tarron who, hours before, I could never have shared a secret nor longed to converse with a person of his personality type. That was eradicated now as he had my father and I could only pray that he kept his word, even though he had the biggest reasonings why he wouldn't. As I sat here waiting, I wanted to know the truth about Father and what he was to be revealed.

"You don't have to do that," I replied, truly wincing at the thought of Erix trying anything; I did not want him to be bedridden like Briar had been.

"I want to. It is not a case of if I have to or not. It is the least I can do."

I looked up to him, focusing on keeping my hands steady as I gripped the cup. His wide, silver-clouded eyes were wide with concern. He hardly blinked as he studied me with his unwavering intensity. His skin was freshly washed, but the underlying of his scent had not wavered. He had dressed in his usual dark, leather trousers and form-fitting top. This time his sleeves did not hide the outlined muscles of his arms. The material had little room for movement as though the shirt was made for someone with less... build.

I distracted myself with the vision of him, tracing his features as a silent game to keep my own dark thoughts at bay. But it was failing, lasting only for a moment of reprieve. I needed something more as a distraction.

"Back home," I began. "When days were equally as draining all I would want was the burn of a homebrewed ale to wash away the stresses. Since I cannot imagine this pretty, little city has anything so hearty, why don't I crack open that bottle of wine and not let it go to waste?"

Erix's brows peaked as he turned in his seat to follow my gaze. "I am not sure that would be a good idea... the wine belongs to King Thallan."

"Erix, I am sitting on the edge of a bed made for royalty, dressed in clothes meant for a king. I don't imagine drinking the wine is going to be what causes them great offence."

"Well, you do look rather handsome in that oversized tunic." Erix turned back to me, narrowing eyes looking across my body. My legs were bare, the shirt falling below my undershorts. There was not a single pair of King Thallan's trousers that would have fit, not without the requirements of a belt to hoist them around my waist, and he owned no belt that would aid me. For now I would have to wait for clothes to be brought to me for the journey.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

A Betrayal of Storms by Ben Aldersonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें