Chapter 15

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The training leathers I adorned weren't like anything I had worn before. Form-fitting and made from dark material, I felt self-conscious as it clung to all parts of my body. Despite feeling discomfort in my own appearance, I could not deny the physical comfort of the clothing; not much different to a second layer of skin, they allowed for free movement.

The clothes had been waiting for me when I had woken earlier that morning. A note from Eroan atop, his handwriting a swirl of beautiful lines as he explained that he'd missed the evening's feast to prepare the outfit as requested from Althea.

What concerned me was not the fact someone had been in my room whilst I slept, but more the reason as to why I required the training leathers.

To my surprise, it was Lady Kelsey who burst through the doors to the room. Her gown swept behind her as she practically floated inside, a beaming grin yet another countless jewel she held.

"You are awake," Lady Kelsey exclaimed as she joined me. "Although you look, well, terrible."

"Thanks..." I said, shifting from one foot to the other.

She waved me off, flashing her many jewelled fingers. "Sleep is important for both body and mind. Your skin is pale and your eyes dull. Is the bed not comfortable enough?"

"I slept fine." I tried to rein in any negative tone I had, aware that I was sharing the company of the woman who owned this very palace. Offending her was not the brightest of moves, even if she offended me with her offhand comments.

"I am not convinced." She side-eyed me. "No bother, I will request for you to be excused early this evening to catch up on some much needed rest. The last thing you need is... late night company to keep you from sleeping."

A blush crept up my cheeks in a wave of warmth. I bit down on my inner cheeks to try and stop the embarrassment from flashing red across my face. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"For me?" She pressed a hand to her chest. "No, dear, it is I who can do something for you. Whilst Althea is... occupied my dear sister Lyra has asked for me to be the one to guide you through some... basic training. Something even the most inexperienced could follow."

Her last few words felt oddly familiar to a slap, but her smile seemed to soften the blow. My mind then went to Althea and Briar and my heart sunk into the pits of my stomach.

"Briar. Is she...?"

Lady Kelsey's face straightened for a moment, bright eyes dulling as something dark passed behind them. "The girl has survived."

My breathing altered at her revelation. A weight lifted from my shoulders as Lady Kelsey continued to explain. "It is still too early to understand the... lasting effects of the poison but Althea has commanded the best healers and apothecaries in Aurelia to aid in the investigation."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You can help by becoming less of a hinderance and more of a threat. My task is to aid in making you independent, in tune with what it means to be an Icethorn." Her eyes scanned me from the tips of my polished, laced boots to the pads on my shoulders. "Eroan has outdone himself. Truly. You look ready, but do you feel ready, Robin?"

"For what?" I asked, acutely aware of Erix's dagger that rested beneath the plush pillow.

"To learn." Lady Kelsey stepped forward, slim-golden gown spilling around her feet like a pool of molten lava. With her hands gently clasped before her wiry frame she regarded me. "Magic. Tell me what you know of it."

"Not a lot," I admitted, mind wandering to the sealed box in my chest, and the cold tendrils of power that harboured within it. "I know it belongs solely to the fey and is as dangerous as it is beautiful."

A Betrayal of Storms by Ben AldersonWhere stories live. Discover now