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(music starts playing)

"Hey Yall! This is Y/N L/N from Suite Life On Deck, and You're watching Disney Channel!"

(doo doo doo dooooooooooo do do!)

Whoah, I still can't beleive it, I'm on a freaking cruise ship!

I've never been on one of these before, much less live in them and go to school in them for the next 4 years. 

My parents drop me off. "Goodbye y/n, and remember don't get into any funny buisness" my dad says slightly joking. "don't worry we'll make sure she's in great hands! (as long as she doesn't wander into any of those hooligans)" the manager said, when 2 boys came running into the lobby-ish room (idk what to all it tbh). "NO RUNNING IN MY LOBBY" he shouted at them, "I'm sorry, I have to attend to something, but I promise she'll be in the best hands here. ZACK, CODY GET OVER HERE".

"well, this is it" my mom said tearing up, "please write every day." "I promise I'll try mom, now I think I have to go" 

"okay, one last squeeze though."
My parents and I had one last group hug together before they walked off. 

Now to find my suite. dorm? cabin? 

144 b. ok. 

I get there and see 2 other girls. Weird, its usually only 2 people per cabin but I'm not complaining.

"YAY, the maid is here! And thank goodness because you NEED to get rid of all this plad." one of the girls said.

"London, how many times do I have to tell you, there is no maid, and stop trying to get rid of my clothes!" the other girl said. "This must be our new roomate" she said turning to me. "Hi, I'm Bailey" she said shaking my hand. 

"ANOTHER ONE? wait, I thought it was only two people a cabin." The first girl (London?) said. 

"Actually there were soooo many people who applied this year, especially those with exceptional resumes, that some cabins in the school are now up to 3 people." I said, clearly ticking her off. 

"stupid sea school" 

"Thats London, shes Mr Tipton's daughter. very sparkly and rich" Bailey wispered to me. "maybe I should be the maid, just so I can get an extra big tip from her" I wispered back. "yeah, she gives out 20,000 like its nobody's buisness, unless if people actually need it" we both chuckled. 

"What are you guys laughing about?" London asked, a little bummed she wasn't in on the fun. 

"Oh, nothing" I said, feeling bad she wasn't in on it. 

✨time skip✨

After the tour of the school, that I got from my teacher, Ms, Tutweiler (correct me if I spelt her name wrong plz) I decided to go grab a smoothie with Bailey and London (she started to warm up to me after I told her that I live in New York). 

One of the guys that Mr. Moseby yelled at from earlier was the guy making the smoothie. He gave me the smoothie and hit me with the:
"you know what my favorite kind of fries are?"

"what?" I said, confused yet intrigued

"Curly fries" he said, "I happen to love a lot of curly things" he said tugging at one of the curls of my hair, in awe when it bounced. "I also happen to love a lot of people underneath those curly things" he said, directly staring into my eyes. Woah.

"Zack leave the poor girl alone, she's obviously still trying to settle in" The other guy said, he looked almost identical to Zack, just a smaller head. "I'm Cody" he said, shaking my hand. "and you are?" 
"Y/n." I replied. "I came from new york city"

"City girl huh?" Zack said smirking. Again. 

"Shut up" Cody replied. "Y/n, welcome to Seven Seas High! Are you in Tutweiler's class?"
"Yep" I replied. "Great! So we're in the same class!" Cody and Bailey and Zack said. 

"AWWWWWW we're so in sync" Bailey said to Cody, as they butterfly kissed. (basically when u have like one of those nose nuzzles).

"Blech" Zack and London said. 

A guy came running in, curly hair, braces, and REALLY sweaty. 

"Hey guys" he said catching his breath, "I was just [WHEEZE] trying to [WHEEZE] chase after a mouse" breathing heavily, and taking a sip of water afterwards.

"Why? Did you want it as a pet, because frankly, ivana is much better at solving diamond hiests" London boasts

"who's ivana?" I asked Bailey "oh just her spoilt dog who solved a missing diamond case" she responded 


"No, because it had cheese" Woody responded to London's question, "but then it went into a little hole, and I never saw it again". 

"Wow, thats-"

"Hey Woody" Cody said trying to hide in his laughter, "Zack said he LOVEESSS people who have curly hair"

"Awww thanks buddy" Woody said, giving Zack a big ol- hug, sweat and all.

We were all laughing, except Zack obviously. 

"I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the babe over there", he said gesturing at me. 

"oh" Woody said pulling away. (thats a lil flick of the wrist if you ask me)

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, if we're gonna be friends here, can you refer to me as who I am as a human being rather than just "the babe" please and thank you" I butted in. I just had to make that clear.


"Oh. My. Crossiants, YOU'RE RIGHT!" I said. None of my friends at home could understand the struggle either so it was happy to find one of my curly hair kind. 


I started to notice the sun set, and since Cody (he's the towel boy btw) and Zack were off their shifts, they were starting to be able to talk to us more. 

"Its getting dark" I say, "I should probably go to bed so I'm not tired for school tommorow" 

"you're right" Bailey said "I'll set the chicken to 5:30, lets go London!"

"aw come onnnnnnnnnn can't we stay out a little longer" London said.

"what she said" Zack backed her up, "come on y/n, watch the sunset with us!"

"I'm with Zack on this one come on my little hay bail, lets watch the sunset together!"

Bailey did that weird giggle-snort thing and said ok, and I guess why not. 

We all watched the sunset together before heading back to our cabins.

okay i think that finishes chapter one! sorry it was a little rushed, but i hoped you enjoyed! 

leave some suggestions if you want to 

word count:1047

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