[20] The June Wedding

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Briar was woken up early by Audrey who instructed her to shower before she was pampered by hair, makeup, and nail stylists

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Briar was woken up early by Audrey who instructed her to shower before she was pampered by hair, makeup, and nail stylists. The brunette had become quite strict that morning she wanted everything to be perfect for her sister. Briar was covered by a silky white robe, her hair was done in ringlets that fell to the middle of her back, two pieces tucked behind her crown to help keep it in place.

Evie helped her into her dress once her makeup was done. Briar had just finished getting her shoes on when someone knocked on the door and came in. The blonde looked up finding her mother and Cinderella standing there in awe of her.

"Oh sweetheart..you look beautiful." Aurora said her eyes filling with tears at the white dress littered with blue and pink flowers. The style was a reference to hers.

The two blondes hugged each other tightly followed by Cinderella enveloping Briar. "Welcome to the family. Daughter."

"Ella." Briar whispered before hugging her back.

"My turn! My turn!" Audrey said as she butted in and squeezed Briar.

Aurora smiled at the sight of her girls, she knew Audrey had been having a hard time before her grandmother was extra rough on her. "Look at my girls." She cooed.

"It's time" Jane announced entering the room. Briar took in a big breath of air and slowly blew it out to ease her nerves. The two Queens exited the room followed by Audrey and the other bridesmaids then Briar.

Phillip stood in wait to escort her to the carriage. It was customary for the bride to ride with her father then she would take it back with her groom.

"You look wonderful." Phillip told Briar with a big smile.

"My little princess is all grown up now." He added tearfully.

"I'll always be your little girl Daddy." Briar assured before hugging him.

Phillip and Aurora left the castle last and climbed into the carriage taking them to Auradons cathedral where she was to be married. The king stepped out first letting the loud cheers of the crowd surrounding the outside of the cathedral ring through the indor carriage.

Phillip held out a hand helping Briar out causing the audience to scream even louder at the sight of her. She looked regal in her long dress. As they reached the entrance of the cathedral Jane appeared one last time to give Briar her bouquet and do any final touchups before giving them the signal to go.

The large doors were opened and showered Briar and her father in the sunlight streaming down from the glass ceiling. Multiple guests gasped in awe as Briar walked down the aisle. Her eyes met Chris's and all her nerves fell away, she saw his eyes water making her heart melt.

As they reached the steps of the alter Philip pressed a kiss to Briars' cheek and passed her hand over to Chris who helped her step up. Briar handed her bouquet back to Audrey and took both of Chris's hands. The couple stared into each other eyes the whole time speaking when they were supposed to but were so completely entranced by the other.

"Prince Christopher, do you take Princess Briar Rose to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"Absolutely I do." Chris promised enthusiastically earning chuckles from the audience.

"Princess Briar Rose, do you take Prince Christopher to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Briar agreed.

"Then by the power vested in me and the states of Auradon, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Prince Christopher, you may kiss your bride." Fairy Godmother smiled and held onto her wand, she sent a shot of magic up into the air causing pink, blue, and white butterflies to appear and fly all around them.

Chris placed his hands on Briar's waist and gently pulled her into him their lips meeting in a passionate loving kiss. Briar cupped the side of her face with her left hand and pressed her other against his chest as he pulled her closer.

The audience cheered loudly and threw rose petals up into the air as they walked back down the aisle where they stopped at the main doors to be announced.

"Presenting, Prince and Princess Christopher and Briar Rose Charming. Future Queen and King of Cinderellasburg and Auroria"

Author speaks
Yay they are married now! Ugh I love them. I've only been to 3 weddings in my 21 years and was only in one when I was 7. But I am going to be in one in November as a bridesmaid and I am so excited.

~ A

Also here is what her reception dress is, her ceremony dress is at the top.

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