Chapter 12

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Camilla's P.O.V

As soon as word came out that I came back, news reporters started bombarding me everywhere I went, asking me questions like did The Blade keep me because I was their sex slave, or did they brainwash me, how I escaped. I stuck to my story, because I didn't want anyone to know that Michelle is The Blade. Although know one knew her, I couldn't help but feel like if I told them The Blade kidnapped they might trace her back.

The police will surely force me to show them where she kept me, and I couldn't risk that. In less than a week, everyone forgot that I even went missing and went back to their normal lives; except for James. My parents called and asked if I was okay, and said they wouldn't be able to come see me until the following month. Typical parents. 

My mind never left how much I wanted to go back to Michelle and stay there with her. I wanted to see her again so bad, but I couldn't because a lot is happening. I missed her.

Later on in the night when I was about to fall asleep, James came over to where I lay on my bed.

"Cami?" He called out.


"I'm sorry. For what I said the day you came back." He said and I turned to look at him.

"It's okay. I understand James. Because I would've totally reacted the same way you did if you disappeared without telling me."

He smiled, and then ruffled my hair.

"You look much more prettier than before you left though." He said and I scowled.

"You mean I didn't look nice before?"

He laughed and shook his head. "No that's not what i mean. Your hair has grown, and your cheeks are fuller now. Your skin is even glowing. You had a good time didn't you?" He asked me and I blushed just the tiniest bit, remembering how Michelle used to take care of me.

"I did." I smiled, and almost felt a tear run down my cheek but I wiped it away.

Then it was quiet for a while, with James just staring into space like he was thinking of something.

"The Blade was the one who took you right?" And at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to jump out of the window.

"No...why would you think that?" I felt my heart beat quicken. They can't know about Michelle.

"I know. The day after you left, I found your glasses in the alley. And I know you don't go anywhere without them so there must've been a struggle." He said and I sighed. "And I know you Camillia, there's something you're not telling me."

"James, please leave me alone I want to sleep."

"Go sleep. But just know that the murderer that you're trying to protect is probably killing someone else right now. And that could've been prevented if you just told the truth." He said and walked away from where I sat. I clutched the blankets as I felt the hot tears run down my cheeks.

I really wish I never came back.


The next few weeks were hectic, with college work and my job that, hopefully, I didn't loose. More than a month passed, and with each day passing my mind never left Michelle. James gave me the cold shoulder, and he knew that I wasn't going to tell him what really happened to me. I'm not going to jeopardize Michelle's life just because I want my sanity back.

One night, when I was walking back to my apartment; being extra vigilant this time so I wouldn't get kidnapped. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched. I picked up my pace and clutched the books that I brought from the library even tighter.

Suddenly, someone jumped out of the shadows and held my mouth from behind as I was about to scream. The person pushed me into the wall and my eyes widened; I should really stop taking this alley.

"'s me," I heard the person say and I could've recognized that voice from anywhere.


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