Chapter 11

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Camillia's P.O.V

It's been a while since Michelle decided to let me out of her house. And it's been more than a few days since I put my plan in action. But even with that, it seems instead of hating her more, my hatred only decreased. 

I didn't know how to feel anymore, because I felt like this Michelle isn't the same one that kidnapped me in that alley. She was different, and she smiled more and really wanted to spend time with me as much as she could.

Apparently she works as a criminal lawyer and owns her own firm...surprising because she's also one of the most wanted criminals in every country. 

Sometimes she would buy me stuff, and everytime I saw her proud smile I couldn't help but feel stuff in my tummy. I can't be falling for my kidnapper, because that's the most stupidest thing I'd ever do.

I still wondered what she wanted to do with me, because clearly even after this long she still hasn't killed me or beaten me up. She still held me captive in her home, and treated me like I was just a close friend she's had for a while.

"Why have you not killed me yet?" I asked her one night, and she stared at me with her blue eyes.

"Because I don't want to."

"Then why kidnap me? Don't you think I want to go back to my life?" I deadpanned. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie, and she sat so close to me I could feel her skin rub off on me everytime she breathed.

"I-I don't know why I took you. I guess you were just so confusing to me that I didn't understand what was happening or why I couldn't kill you that I just...took you."

"I want to go home." I told her, and I could see the pain in her eyes. I felt so bad, but it wasn't my fault she took me. She shifted from where she sat close to me and was now just a few inches away.

"I know."

"Then why don't you let me go?" I asked her, and I watched as her hand clutched the blanket we took from her room so hard that her knuckles turned white. Michelle didn't say anything, and just sat there. I realized that this was the wrong time, and I shouldn't have asked her this question.  So I tried to change the topic.

"You know you don't have-"

"I can't let you go because I want you." She blurted, and she finally let go of the blanket.


"And I know it's messed up and shit but it's the truth." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I knew there was something the day I took you, something that didn't want me to kill you, but to protect you from this world. I'm sorry I took you from your home."

I stared at her. Michelle apologized...for taking me? I didn't know how to react or respond to that, and I felt my heart beat quicken.

"I'll take you home tomorrow." She turned to look at me, and at that moment I didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

I've been staying with Michelle for a while now, and i no longer felt like a hostage, but more like i meant something to her.

"Thank you." I ended up saying.


The next day, Michelle didn't go to work. Instead, she woke up really early and woke me up. She gave a outfit which consisted of a knitted sweater, and white short sleeve shirt, baggy jeans and sneakers. I then brushed my hair and pulled it in a high ponytail. All the while, no words were exchanged between us.

Michelle's face was set in a frown the whole time, and she would just tell me what to do. She packed everything that she got me, saying she has no use of them now that I was gone.

She led me to her car, and soon enough we hit the road. It was a long drive, because her house was on the outskirts of the city where the expensive houses were.

I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. I don't know why but I didn't feel like I was going home. I felt like I was leaving my home.

My gaze shifted to Michelle, and I watched as she swiftly held the steering wheel with one hand, and the other one on the gear. I felt sad that I wasn't going to see her anymore, and see that cute dimple that always appeared when she smiled.

It's so messed up, because I don't want to leave but I also want to go home and see James, and my family. I wanted to go to college, and go work at the Cafe again. But the feeling of wanting to stay with Michelle was bigger than all of them. But I pushed the feeling away.

I can't be falling for my kidnapper. 

In less than a few hours, I started recognizing my neighborhood. I felt my heart drop, and I noticed Michelle's hand tapping on the steering.

I looked out the window, and noticed it was a bit empty than I thought it to be. Then I remembered it's been more than 3 months since I went missing, and my case probably ran cold. Michelle parked outside my apartment, and I wondered how she knew where I stay but I didn't dare ask her.

We sat in silence for a long time, neither of us not bothering to say a word. I didn't want to go, but I had to. I stole a glance at Michelle, only to notice her already staring at me.

"I'll leave now." I stated, and her blue eyes never left mine, a small smile playing on her lips. "Bye,"

"Bye Camilla," She said, and at that I climbed out of her car and took my parcels with me. I didn't dare look back, because I felt like if I did I'll probably run back to her. I walked into the apartment, and took the flight of stars until I reached mine. I knocked twice then entered.

"Cami? Is that you?" A voice rang out from somewhere inside then I heard feet running towards me.

James appeared and he looked so distraught. He had bags under his eyes, and his face was red and puffy. Once he noticed me, tears started spilling down his cheeks and he ran up to me, engulfing me in a teary hug.

"Hey buddy."

"You're back Cami. You're really back." He beamed and looked at my face, checking if i had any bruises. "It's really you. I missed you so much." He cried.

"I missed you too."

"Where have you been? Did The Blade take you? I hope they didn't hurt you."

I pondered on that. Did I really want to tell him about Michelle?

"No...I was out for...for a breather you know. No cellphone or distructions. I just wanted to be alone."

"You missed college Camilla, and you didn't even tell me where you went. You just disappeared. How did you think I felt huh? I was scared that I wasn't going to ever see you again and yet here you are telling me about taking a breather. Who the fuck does that to their friend?" I noticed the tears spilling from his eyes, and I felt so bad for telling him such lies but there was nothing else I could do.

"I'm sorry." I looked away from his eyes.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." He said and walked away from me. I sighed.

I wish I never came back.

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