(02) hello, sister

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rewritten as of december 2022

chapters will differ between 1st person and 3rd :)

i remember gasping for breath as i woke up and the feeling of being watched crawled all over me like a cockroach. when my eyes opened, the sight in front of me made my bones freeze and still. i was standing in our old house in lawrence, kansas and in mine and sam's nursery. there were two people, more specifically two males: the first one had yellow eyes and a black cloak who was looking at sam in his crib while the other was looking down at me with glowing red eyes.

"azazel, don't make me regret doing this." the red eyed male spoke, taking his attention off of baby me and towards the yellow eyed male who rolled his eyes at the question. "don't worry, my lord. good things happen to those who wait." he said softly with a sly smirk gracing his features.

"darcy! sammy!" a female voice shouts in worry and it was a voice i thought i had forgotten a long time ago. "mom?" she was at the doorway of the room, then in the blink of an eye, the man with red eyes vanishes into thin air. i go up to walk to her and my whole body was shaking in the process. as i'm getting ready to hug her, my body phases through hers and i fall on my knees in the hallway.

no, no, no! why can't i touch her? am i having a nightmare? am i dreaming?

suddenly, i find myself in the nursery again, in the same spot i was in before. "mary!" another voice shouts, this time it was a males. my dads. he rushes upstairs and into the nursery, only to find no one there. "sammy, darcy, you guys okay?" we cooed in response. then, something warm drips down from the ceiling and onto my head, trailing down my forehead. it was only then that i tried to wake myself up from this vision, dream, whatever it was. i didn't want to witness what happened next.

"dean! sam! get me out of here, please! can you hear me?" i screamed with more of my mothers blood going down my face. my dad sees something dark drop from above him and he touches it, then another drop lands on the back of his hand. when he looks up, he wasn't prepared to see his wife sprawled on the ceiling with blood staining the stomach of her white nightgown.

"no, mary!" he panics and drops to the ground, staring up at her. soon she bursts into flames and sam screams, breaking my dad out of his trance. he quickly gets up and takes sam and me out of our cribs, and rushes out of the room. 4-year old dean dashes out of his room, "daddy!" he says and when our dad sees him, he's quick to put sam into his arms. "take your brother outside, i've got your sister. go!" dean runs outside and my dad, still holding me, turns to look inside the nursery which is now almost fully covered in fire, "no," with that he runs outside of the house and to dean.

"its okay, sammy." dean whispers down to sam in a comforting tone. our dad is quick to grab ahold of deans hand and with one final look, the nursery bursts into sunset-coloured flames-

I shot awake with a loud gasp and sweat trailing down my skin. Seeing that the area around me was unfamiliar; I sat up and turned on the lamp beside me. The light showed that I was in a bed, in a motel room, and on the other side of the room were two beds with both of my brothers sleeping peacefully. I let out a tired sigh, dragging my fingers through my hair and got out of bed. Heading to the washroom, I turned on the water faucet, letting the water pool up in my hands and splashing it on my face to rid of the sweat that dried on my skin.

I turned the faucet off and gripped the edges of the sink, leaning forward to look at myself in the mirror. I stayed like that for a while with thoughts swirling through my mind; What was that? Who were those guys? Who was the man with the red eyes?-

"Hey, Darc, why are you up?" Sam's voice spoke through my thoughts, breaking me out of my trance. I turned to him with my arms at my sides, "Dean's snoring woke me up. I forgot how loud he is." I lied with a chuckle. Sam smiled softly and came up to me. "What do you think he dreams about?" He asked and I smiled, "The impala, women, pie and burgers." We both laughed quietly at my response.

"What did you dream about?" He asked quietly and threw his arm around my shoulder. I hesitated. I didn't want to tell him another lie, but I don't want him to worry and lose sleep over something so small. Alas, I avoided the question; "Are you worried about John?" Sam's facial expression changed from carefree to serious. "What's there to worry about? He's resourceful and educated in all things demonic. He chose that over us after all." I winced internally at the harshness in his voice.

Our dad had kicked both me and Sam out of the family because they got into a fight when Sam was in law school and I was in medical school. We wanted to live a normal life where demons and monsters stayed bedtime stories, not a life where they'd co-exist with humanity.

"That was over 2 years ago. Maybe he's changed, Sam? Maybe he wants us to be a family again?" I voiced, my tone uncertain and laced with a slight stutter. He sighed; "Yeah. Who knows? We'll talk about it when we find him." He placed a gentle kiss on the side of my head and left my side. I exhaled slowly, raking my fingers through my hair and down my face. Then it occurred to me; where the hell were we? "Hey Sammy, where are we anyways?" I asked and went towards the window, shoving the blinds out of the way to look outside.

"Mystic Falls, Virginia." He answered, "Why?" I closed the blinds and turned to face him. "Dad wrote about it in the journal, so Dean thinks there's a case here." He said while making his bed. I put on my jacket and shoes, took the impala's keys from Dean's's jacket and turned to Sam; "I'm going to get coffee, do you want anything?" I offered and he nodded his head. I opened the door, stepped out and closed it behind me, then headed out to the Impala.

Putting it in drive, I left the motel's parking lot and drove further into town. It didn't take long before I found a place called 'Mystic Grill' and once I found a decent parking spot, I got out of the car and went inside. There was a bar at the back with tabletop seats, a dark - yet comfy feeling emitting from the cottage aesthetic of the interior, and the sweet smell of coffee being brewed that floated throughout the air. 

I approached the bar and gave the bartender my coffee order. While they worked on the order, I sat down on a bar chair and took out my phone. As soon as I turned it on, there were messages and missed calls from my boss - the chief of surgery, Amanda Green. I felt my heart cry at the last message she sent:

Amanda Green, the one who gives me my paychecks: We'll make this your first warning about unscheduled vacation days. I expect better. Call me back as soon as possible.

Dr. Darcy Winchester: My brother kidnapped me. It's a long story. I don't know when I'll be back, so until I am back; all of my surgical cases will be going to Dr. Lyla, my resident. I trust her completely - but it wouldn't hurt to watch her from a close distance. See you when I'm back.

Read 11:43am.

Dear god, don't let Lyla kill another patient. Please.

"Hi, I think you're in my spot." A smooth, almost velvety voice said from behind me. "One second," I replied, checking my email for new cases and the occasional clothing deals. "I don't think you heard me properly, but, you're in my spot." I turned on my heel, put my phone away into my pocket and crossed my arms over my chest.

Oh god. This guy had piercing blue eyes, jet-black hair and the biggest smirk on his face ever. "Oh, I see, you're one of THOSE people." He looked me up and down while I did the same to him. "And what kind of people do you mean?" He asked with a head tilt, and I suddenly started feeling more confident. I smiled, "Arrogant, cocky, thinks he's the shit, so basically - a teenage boy in a man's body." Before he was able to respond, my order was done. I spun back around and took the coffee from on top of the counter. "Adieu." And with that, I left the building.

(shh, i know it doesnt make sense. im too tired and lazy to edit it. later, maybe - possibly?)


~ fate 

predictableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora