(01) winchester chaos

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re-written as of november of 2022


"i hate you." darcy grumbled to dean from the backseat and stuck her middle finger at him. dean saw this through his rear-view mirror and shot her an innocent smile. "where are we even going?" she asked, propping herself in between the two front seats. he turned to face her, "we're getting sammy so we can find dad." he turned back to face the road, and she slumped back in her seat.

"do you really think dad's missing?" the younger winchester asked softly. even if she didn't particularly like her father, she couldn't help but feel worry bubbling inside her. truth is, dean didn't know, he felt it in his gut that something was wrong. he pulled up to sams apartment building and put the impala in park. "if he isn't then he's got a twisted thinking process," he replied with a chuckle.

"it wouldn't surprise me if he just upped and left, but i know you don't act out of impulse." darcy put her hand on her brother's shoulder to comfort him. her words helped relieve him and he put his hand on hers.

they got out of the car and went into the apartment building. just as darcy was about to knock on the door, dean put his hand on hers, lowering it gently. he had a devious smirk on his face, lifting his leg to kick the door down, and darcy's eyes widened. "no, no, no. don't you fucking dare. I helped him pay for this place!" she whisper-yelled at the annoying older Winchester. he muttered curses under his breath and lowered his leg, taking out his lock-picks, and jimmying the door open. dean walked in with darcy trailing behind him, and once they got to the kitchen, he was thrown onto the ground and started tussling with someone. it didn't take long till he pinned that person down to the kitchen floor.

(a/n: i'm too lazy to find the actual dialogue - improv time! soz)

then as if it was on cue, the lights were turned on by jess, sam's girlfriend. "dean?" sam muttered under his breath, confusion was written all over his face. "you're getting weaker, sammy." dean smirked and got off of the other winchester, helping him up to his feet. sam then turned to darcy and he smiled immediately, going in for a hug to which she returned. "nice to see you again, sam and jess!" the brunette flashed a smile to them. dean gaped his mouth at their exchange; "good to know i was late for the family reunion" the comment made darcy roll her eyes, "you weren't invited." she replied back with a grin. he shook his head but returned his eyes back to sams and then to jess, his eyes raking over her body. "sam, aren't you going to introduce me?" he said as he walked closer to her which made her step closer to sam. "dean, this is my girlfriend, jessica." he placed a protective arm around his girlfriend, making dean step back a bit.

after the introductions were done, sam pulled dean to the other side of the room to talk to him privately, leaving darcy with jess which they both didn't mind. they actually enjoyed each other's company. "how was the pie i dropped off last weekend?" the brunette asked the blonde to which jess replied, "it was delicious. thank you so much!" darcy waved her hand in the air, almost dismissively, "please! it was my pleasure. in all honesty, i was waiting for sam to text me to hide a ring inside so he could propose to you." she giggled, and her comment made the blonde blush. darcy won't ever admit it to her brothers but she didn't like hunting monsters, nor did she like hunting roadkill, but all shes ever done is try to make her family proud of her. eventually, it got to her head that she had to be perfect - no, she NEEDED to be perfect in order to honour the winchester name.

once sam had been filled in on the details regarding their dad, he was hesitant but agreed to help nonetheless. sam and darcy gave jess a farewell before they hit the road. dean had already been in the impala by the time the twins came out of the building and as soon as sam got in the car with his bags in the truck, they were on their way.

(a/n: im so tempted to publish this half-assed so i can be done with it, but im cursed with being a people-pleaser so i cant)

"soo, what's our first destination?" darcy asked as she stretched her legs in the backseat, leaning her head back against the windows and feeling the vibration of the tires against the road as they drove.

sam looked back from the passenger seat at her, "how the hell did dean rope you into this as well?" she rolled her eyes in response. "he came to my apartment at 4am and drugged me with a needle in the neck." sam glared at dean but gave darcy an empathetic smile.

"she refused to come so i had to improvise with 130 grams of ketamine, sue me." dean explained nonchalantly and he glanced at darcy from the rearview mirror. when he saw the position she was in, he pulled over and stepped on the brakes which caused her to tumble onto the floor. "hey! what the hell was that for, asshole?!" she yelled as she got back up on the seat, rubbing her forehead and her nose.

he turned to look at her, "you put your dirty shoes on baby's seats. we don't do that here." she smiled. "i know," thus, the three siblings then got back on the road to deans surprise location.

darcy, unknowingly fell asleep and missed out on some ghost hunting. her brothers couldn't wake her up for the life of them so they let her be while they hunted the Woman In White. 


tehe - im done with the first chapter. i'll admit that took so much longer than it needed to be, but it had to be perfect for my dear readers <3 also, your not gonna get an apology out of me for not writing about their Woman In White case - that would have taken too much heckin effort and im not a very motivated person as is so it would have been cut short no matter what. 

i'll make the other chapters after this longer and don't worry, the salvatore brothers will be making an entrance in the next chapter (no promises though) 

predictable is also published on quotev, little fires~

remember to follow, vote and comment if you liked the first chapter! 

(and don't hesitate to follow me on social media for updates and whatnot) 

see you in the next chapter :) 

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