1 - The Chilly Welcome

Start from the beginning

"Glad I haven't been forgotten as the chauffeur," Billy Black chuckled, leaning his arm against the driver's seat to steady himself. He sat in the passenger's seat of the car with his jacket covering his legs.

"Never, Mr. Black. You're too unforgettable. Special! Unique!" she chirped. 

"You're on thin ice, Ms. Swan!" he joked with a bustle of laughter. Mr. Black stretched out to pat her shoulder with a big, calloused hand. He looked so much like Jacob—the strong, curved nose, square face, golden brown eyes, and thick black hair. But where his son got his soft cheekbones, low brows, and round chin from his mom, Billy Black kept an alert gaze, square chin, and prominent bone structure all to himself.

Bella slid her backpack off her shoulders and set it down in the backseat, looking at the empty driver's seat with a longing twisting in her green eyes. A knot pulled her heart into her stomach and pinned it down as it struggled against the pull. "Hey, Mr. Black? Where's my dad?" she asked, jutting her chin at the driver's seat. 

Billy Black pulled back, turning his body towards the road and starting the car. The young woman tilted her head quizzically as questions sprouted in her mind. She never knew Mr. Black to be elusive or reserved, and though she felt deep in her soul the reason wasn't that he was unwilling to tell her the truth, Bella couldn't help her mother's image coming to mind.

"Domestic issue popped up in town. He told us to go ahead and pick you up," Jacob explained in his dad's silence, placing her baggage into the trunk and shutting it in one smooth motion. Bella frowned but loaded into the backseat as Jacob hopped into the driver's side by his dad. They closed their doors in unison, a soft click ringing in their ears as Mr. Black locked the car.

"Does that happen often in Forks?"

"Domestic issues? How should I know?" he quipped.

"Crime rate isn't high in Forks, Ms. Swan. It's just unpredictable," Mr. Black told her, smacking his son upside the head. The boy whined but kept his protests to himself, relinquishing to typing the directions home.

"Even with minors driving cars?" she teased.

Jacob buckled in and glanced at Bella through the rearview mirror, with a smile glimmering in his eyes. "Hey! I've got my license!"

"And have you been driving for six months?" 

The silence told her all she needed to know. Bella hummed, leaning back in her seat in victory as Jacob racked his brain to think of a comeback. Mr. Black turned around mischievously and raised his brows.

"If the police ask, you're my daughter, and Jacob is driving the family home," he chuckled.

And despite everything in her life, despite all the changes that overwhelmed her in just a few weeks, Bella Swan found herself smiling to see what came next.

And despite everything in her life, despite all the changes that overwhelmed her in just a few weeks, Bella Swan found herself smiling to see what came next

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"Home sweet home!" Jacob hummed, hopping out of the car to fetch his dad's wheelchair from the trunk. Bella woke from her slumber with a jolt and a yawn, bumping her forehead against the cold window. She hissed in response and rubbed at the point of impact sleepily.

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