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We met four other nights, always in the stable at 9pm. Somehow I wasn't scared of getting caught anymore. It would be worth it. No matter how cheesy it was, I would've never traded the beautiful, almost magical moments in the stable with Henry for anything. With him I was free, able to be myself. For weeks I've suppressed the thought that others were killed for doing what we did and being what we were. Homosexuals, faggots, monsters.
However people called it, it sounded disgusting and disrespectful.
It was almost 9pm and for the 9th time now I sneaked out of bed and over the yard into the stable where Henry was already waiting this time.
I smiled at him as he greeted me with a soft kiss. I let my fingers run through his hair and kissed him back. In a break of kisses I whispered a 'hey' and he answered a few seconds later with 'hi'.
I started kissing his neck causing him to stumble backwards onto the hay bales. His hands were wrapped around my neck so I fell on top of him. We kept on kissing for a little while until one of us, Henry, was able to pull himself back.

I let go of his lips and looked up into his eyes. This was the love of my life. It was cheesy, for sure, but that's just how it was. I've been in love for many times and had a boyfriend before but nothing came close to this. This person, this moment, this love.
Ezra kissed my neck again and I ran through his wavy dark hair.
"I love you", he mumbled suddenly.
"I said I love you, Henry Lune. I love you like I've never loved someone before. With you I'm nothing but myself. With you I don't have to hide"
The words left his mouth so beautifully. I didn't really know what to say.
"I love you too, Prince Ezra Barnes", I smiled.
"You know...my full name is Ezra James Arthur Barnes"
Ezra smiled and I could barely hold back a laugh.
"It's okay, it's funny. You can laugh", Ezra said and we both started laughing ridiculously.  

Henry was in my arms and soon we fell asleep like this, only minutes before the sun was rising.

-1.349 words

the night we metWhere stories live. Discover now