☽ I said kneel ☾

Depuis le début

   I walk slowly to his crumpled body and let hellfire encase my right hand. I touch his body and it engulfs in rich blue flames. The fire roars alive, licking over his body and up my arm. Within seconds there's nothing left but grey ash. Aleka, Caius, and Marcus just stand still, watching me carefully, not particularly caring about the dead king.

    I wave my hand, making a long black dress appear on me and a crown. Then walk to the middle throne, stepping through the ash and sit down. Everyone looks around to eachother before Aleka bows. Then Marcus and finally Caius, albeit with a grumble. The rest of the room bows before me but I raise my hand quickly. "No need to bow lovelies and no calling me queen. My name is Illiana and please no mam. I'm at least a thousand years younger than half of you." Laughter rings around us and I smile. I turn to the two children and wave them over.

Her outfit
because she's dramatic

  They quickly walk towards me with their heads down

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  They quickly walk towards me with their heads down. The blonde is tense and the brunette keeps a steady hand on his sisters arm. They stop a few feet in front of me and I sigh. I get up and gently grab their chins and tilt them up to me. "You two are absolutely adorable!" Jane blushes while Alec puffs out his chest and grins. Aleka giggles beside me, holding tight to Caius. And I can't help but stare at the beautiful vampire. Her cheeks turn a dark red as I stare into her eyes and feel the familiar tether of a soulmate bond form.

   I keep eye on Aleka as I as the kids "do you know about soul bonds?" They both shake their heads yes, as does Aleka. "Great! So I'm not sure if you feel it but you are my soul children." They both nod yes and I grab them, pulling them into a hug. They are stiff for a minute then they relax in my arms making me smile. I have children. I have children! I smile widely and gently squeeze them before letting go. "Do you both have a tattoo as well?" The nod and show a tattoo that's exactly like mine. I nod and turn towards Caius and Aleka "I also have a soulmate bond with you two but we can discuss that later if you'd like?" They just half-heartedly agree, whispering between each other.

   I turn back to the twins with a large smile, gently grabbing their hands and walk towards my family. "I'd like y'all to meet my father, your papa Charlie!" Dad screws his face up at the name but smiles brightly at the twins. "Um hi guys.." They both look at his red face and start giggling. "Okay, I do believe we have a lot to discuss but I need to talk to Marcus privately please." Everyone bows before leaving, except Caius and Aleka. Caius still sits on his throne with a small smirk on his face while Aleka sits on his lap. I quickly walk back over to the middle throne and sit down.

   My eyes drift to Caius and Aleka, who is already staring at me, making my face turn red. I send them both a bright smile and turn to Marcus. "So I have many powers and one of them being necromancy." Marcus' eyes widen but before he can speak I raise my hand "I know you have many questions but please let me tell you everything first." He nods and motions me to continue.

Apathetic- TwilightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant