"Mama holy shit. Bucky's my uncle." Lin gasps. "Language." Laughing. Normally that language she wouldn't use so I let it go. I'm a firm believer in what George Carlin has said. There is no such thing as dirty words. We call it colorful language. However at the right time and place only it's ok to use. For her this counts as both. "Wow." Seb joins me. "Yeah I know. It's a thing. Your niece's been watching you for so long now. You're her hero." Smiling at my daughter who's fully star struck. "Stop Lin. Sebastian Stan's your uncle. Trust me "Bucky" is not that cool. So snap out of it." I knew this would be her reaction. She's always loved him. From the second she was born. He was there with me. Along with our moms. He cut her cord. Got her to stop crying when she came into this world. Talking to her softly and gently. Saying he'd love her forever. She took her first steps to him so he'd pick her up. Seb's been the light of her life for over a decade now. Even when she had no idea he was her Uncle Sebs. It was like she knew, she's always been drawn to Sebs. Always been enamored with him. Even when she had forgotten the bond they shared. "Mama." Slanting her eyes giving me attitude. Giving her a look right back that stops it. "Girl." Warning her. "God Melly she is you. Other than her blue eyes. She must have gotten those from Nana Georgie!" He's dying laughing. I smack his arm. "Uncle Sebs! Nana Georgie's YOUR mama?" Lin gasps and he nods. She throws her hands up like her father does when he's frustrated, I hate that. "Missed you." Taking his hand. "Missed you more. Oh my friend's meeting us. Hope you don't mind" Smirking at me. Tilting my head. Silently asking. "For Christ sake's Seabass! You could've waited for me!" My mouth drops. Lin shakes with excitement. "Going to kill you." Sneering at him. "You always tell me how much you loooovve Mackie." Smirking he gets up from the table. "What's going on my man?" Sebs hugs him tightly. "Got to say I'm shocked. I didn't know you had a niece." Mackie looks at me, smiles and winks. "Didn't know you had a hot ass sister either. Thought you're an only child." Sebs fake gags. Lin laughs in her seat. I can't talk. "So this is little mama huh? What a beautiful young woman you are Lin." Smiling brightly at her. She gets shy. He picks up on it. "Your uncle told me all about you. He hated telling me that I'm on your top list of favorite Marvel characters ever. I'm beyond flattered and grateful that I get to tease him with it. Don't be shy girl. Come on, give Uncle Mack a hug." His smile grows wider trying to make her comfortable. I look at Sebs. He gives me a look back trying to ease me. He knows what Lin's been through in the last few years. He knows this means everything to her. He adores she's been watching them for years. That she loves Bucky. She loves Sam Wilson. Falcon. The new Captain America. When Sebs got the role in Marvel as Bucky I asked him to stay away. It'd be too hard for me and for Lin. He's been so understanding. Knowing it's all a reminder of him. That's why I had to. I can't see him ever again. He hurt me, but, that has to be done now. She has to have this. Her Uncle Sebs in her life again. Now meeting Falcon. The new Cap. Stifling a cry I want to let out. "Sebs." Looking at him teary. "I know sissy. It's Mackie though. You told me she adores him. He has no idea, I promise. I'd never put either of you in that position. I'll always protect my princesses." Kissing my temple. Lin interacts with one of her favorite super heroes ever. Looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Mama. This is the best day of my life." Her little voice full of excitement and awe. "Mine too punk." Smiling back. Sebs chuckles at me calling her that. "Hey Lin?" I ask her looking at Sebs. "Yeah Ma?" Her attention turns to me. "Love you three thousand." My gaze never leaving my brother's. "Love you three thousand. Til the end of the line, I'll always be on your left mama." Sebs has a sad look. Mackie looks ecstatic. "See Uncle Sebs? Never had a day where she didn't know her uncle." Hugging him tight. Trying to hold in the tears. His arms wrap tight around me too. "There's never been a day where I didn't think about you both either." He says softly. "Oh my god! Does this mean I get to see the five thousand dollar comfy couch with all the blankets Uncle Sebs?" Lin asks sounding way too excited. "That's it. You're my homegirl now." Mackie slaps his knee laughing. "Sorry doll. There really isn't that couch." Sebs shakes his head.

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