Chapter 5: Misunderstandings

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He nodded, leaning his head back against the wall. "He understands it wasn't my fault, but he's still hesitant to let me out around the children," He explained further. You listened carefully, examining his facial expressions as you did. Were those... tears in his eyes? Could robots even cry to begin with? You honestly weren't sure.

His weak laughter shook you from your train of thoughts. "Sorry. Didn't mean to dump all that on you." You shrugged. "I asked. You're alright," you reassured him.

His eyes scanned over you for a moment before he frowned. "You're hurt," He said simply.

You examined your arms and legs with confusion. "What? Where?" You didn't see any injuries. You didn't feel any, either. Did you have internal bleeding? You hoped to God that wasn't the case.

He poked at your knee, causing you to hiss in pain. You looked at where he had poked you.


You weren't sure how you hadn't noticed it before, but you scraped your knee pretty badly. It wasn't a horrible scrape, but it was bad enough that there was a bit of blood.

You waved it off. "Eh, I'll be fine. Just a scratch."

He shook his head, standing upright. "Let me help you."

You began to protest, but he cut you off. "Please? It's the least I can do after..." He trailed off, but you knew what he meant.

You sighed in defeat, sitting upright. "Fine. You really don't have to though."

"I know that," he said as he helped you up. "I want to though."

He looked around for a moment as he thought before he decided the desk was good enough. Without warning, he grabbed you by the hips and picked you up, placing you down on a clean space. You yelped at the sudden movement.

"Hey!" You huffed. "God, you're just as bad as Sun!"

He chuckled. "Sorry. Stay here, I'll... I'll be back." He waved his hands in front of him, emphasizing his point of staying.

He swiftly disappeared into the darkness, leaving you alone once again. You sighed, staring blankly up at the ceiling. There was that eerie feeling again. You hoped he wouldn't be gone for long.

Moon's POV (kinda)

(Quick A/N: The italics mean they're talking internally. No italics means they're speaking out loud.)

"Oh gosh, we really screwed up!" Sun whined. Moon winced, shaking his head.

"It's fine, Sun. They didn't seem too upset about it." He reassured Sun, but it didn't seem to work very well.

Sun continued to ramble on as Moon slipped behind the playplaces to a secret room.

"But what if they actually ARE upset over it?! What if they quit and we never see them again! Oh golly, it'll be all our fault!"

Moon groaned. He was starting to get a headache from how much Sun was whining.

"Sun." He said sternly, shutting Sun up fairly quickly.

Moon sighed, searching the drawers for anything useful. "It's gonna be okay. They seem tough, it'll take more than this for them to quit."

Sun huffed quietly, thinking for a moment. "I guess you're right, Moony. I just... I don't want to drive off another friend, yaknow...?"

Moon nodded solemnly. "I know, Sun. I don't want to either."

They sat in silence for a while as Moon continued to search for the first aid kit.

Sunshine & Roses ~ A Sun/Moon x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon