Chapter 4: Rises the Moon

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I apologize if this feels a bit lackluster, especially after the length of the last chapter. We aren't very familiar with writing chase scenes. Hope it's alright! ~Arcade, I think

You had officially been the daycare manager for a little over a week now, and honestly? This was the most fun you'd had in... Ever. Sure, you did eventually have to deal with a puddle of vomit (it was only a matter of time, after all), and you ended up with a pretty nasty bruise from one of the kids, but that was a small price to pay to see the children happy. I mean, you essentially got paid to play all day! You and Sun had gotten a bit closer, too, which was definitely a bonus. It still impressed you just how human-like he was.

It was currently about 30 minutes after closing, so you were still helping Sun clean up the daycare before you left for the day. As you bent down to grab a paper ball carelessly thrown by a child earlier in the day, everything went dark. You blinked rapidly, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the sudden change.

"Sun?" You called out to the darkness.

No response.

"Sun? Where are you? Is everything okay?" Your voice filled with concern as you spoke.

Still no response.

You stumbled your way through the darkness with your hands outstretched in front of you. The eeriness of it all was almost too much for you. Between the dead silence and the pitch black, it was just too creepy for your liking.

"Okay, Sun, where the fuck are you?" Your patience was running thin. If this was meant to be some sort of joke, it wasn't funny.

"My, my, what bad language~" A voice from behind you sang.

You froze. 'What in the actual FUCK was that.' You had never heard that voice before.

"Naughty one... It's past your bedtime. You must be punished."

You shivered at the way their voice growled on the last word. Your heart was pounding in your chest. You knew you should just run, just run and never look back, but despite your better judgement, you had to know who the voice belonged to. Your heart rose into your throat as you turned slowly. You could barely see his face in the pitch darkness that surrounded you, but you could see a pinprick of red light just inches away from your face. You screamed, scrambling backwards as best you could. It chuckled, the raspiness in its voice sending chills straight down your spine.

Without wasting another second, you sprinted away from the being, making a beeline straight for the door. Soft footsteps behind you told you that it was in hot pursuit.

You felt around your belt for the keys. "Shit!" You must have taken them off at some point.

You turned around, seeing that pinprick of light get steadily closer. You could just barely make out its silhouette in the darkness. You sprinted to the right. 'Maybe if I can get to the play place, I can hide there!' That sounded like a solid plan. Thankful for your decent mapping and navigation skills, you knew about where the play place was. You ducked, making your way inside. It was cramped, and even darker than the rest of the daycare, but it worked. You kept crawling inside until you made your way to what felt like a plastic tube. You sat down. Your heart was pounding, your head spinning. All you could hear was your heavy breathing and your heartbeat. You took this moment of solace to try and steady yourself. 'What the FUCK is that thing?' It definitely wasn't anything you were familiar with. You listened carefully to your surroundings for any indication of its presence(, but you were met with almost complete silence.) You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Feeling around blindly, you eventually found an opening on the other side of the play place leading out. You strained your eyes to see outside of your little hidey-hole for any indication of him. You couldn't see the taletale pinprick of light... Surely you were in the clear. You slowly began to step down, taking care not to-


You screamed as he appeared directly in front of your face, lurching back into the play place. You tried desperately to scramble back up and turn, but his cold, metallic hand gripped onto your ankle. You panicked, kicking as best you could. His grip didn't budge in the slightest. You could tell you were gonna get bruised badly from it. In a last-ditch attempt, you flung your elbow straight into where you assumed its face would be. "OW! Motherf-" He groaned, his grip immediately loosening. 'Bullseye.' You didn't waste a single second. You made a run for it, going back the way you came. You could hear the clamoring of his footsteps not too far behind you. You eventually found your way out of the play place, practically throwing yourself out of it. It was a miracle you managed to land on your feet.

You glanced around in desperation. A glimmer of light caught your attention in your peripheral. "Of course, the desk!" You mumbled to yourself. You silently thanked your friend for the battery-operated lamp they had gotten you prior to this as you sprinted towards the desk at full-speed, the footsteps of your assailant close behind you. 'Almost there.' The desk was so close, just a few feet more!
"FUCK!" You screamed as you tripped. In your panic, you had completely disregarded your surroundings, resulting in you tripping over a lone toy. You cursed at your luck as you scrambled onto your back. The red pinprick of light was getting closer. You scrambled backwards on your bottom, trying your best not to break down crying. 'This is it. This is how I die,' you thought to yourself solemnly. You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for your inevitable demise…


Word Count: 979 words
Hehe cliffhanger ;) ~Arcade, I think?

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