Chapter 5: Misunderstandings

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You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for your inevitable demise...

"Wha-?" You slowly opened your eyes, hesitantly looking up at the being in front of you.

With the little bit of light the battery-operated lamp had bestowed upon you, you were finally able to see your assailant better. Physically, he was very similar to Sun, but he was missing the signature sun-rays. He seemed mildly bewildered as he stared at you. You stared back at him blankly.

"Um..." You vocalized.

You weren't sure what was happening right now, but it was fucking WEIRD. He flexed his fingers slightly. His staring was getting unnerving. You started to say something about it, but he held his hand out to you before you could get it out. You stared at his hand for a few moments before you slowly grabbed it. He pulled you up from the floor, letting go as soon as you were stabilized. He seemed at a loss for words.

"I, uh..." He began. He cringed at his awkwardness and facepalmed. "Fuck- Um-"

His cussing caught you off guard. This definitely wasn't Sun. He tentatively met your confused gaze, smiling sheepishly at you.

"...Sorry." He said finally.

You raised an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms. "'Sorry?' That's all you have to say?" You spat at him. You had just spent the last 10 minutes running for your life and thinking you were gonna die, and all he had to say was sorry?

He winced at your aggression and gave you an apologetic look. "I thought you were an intruder. My facial recognition software couldn't pick up your identity in the complete darkness." He seemed ashamed of himself for putting you through so much trouble.

You sighed, rubbing your temples lightly. You wanted to be mad at him, you really did, but it was difficult to argue with his explanation. You took a deep breath, attempting to calm your anger. You were still very much feeling the effects of the adrenaline pumping through you. You took this moment to examine him properly in the dim light. He definitely looked like an off-brand version of Sun. The main difference was his color scheme and the sleeping cap on his head, but otherwise it was very much so Sun-like. Of course, there was the red eyeball light too, but you already noticed that before. He shifted uncomfortably under your gaze.

"Who... are you?" You asked slowly.

"Moon. Sun's counterpart. Yaknow, like- like the, uh, the- sun and- moon," He babbled. He laughed sheepishly. It was clear he wasn't used to interacting with others in a normal setting. 'Moon... Why does that sound familiar...?' You furrowed your brows and stared at the floor as you wracked your brain for where you recognized him from. It took you a bit, but it finally clicked.

"Right! I read about you on the website. Aren't you supposed to be the naptime animatronic?"

He tensed at your question, nodding solemnly. "Yeah. I- I was, at least."

You frowned, scooting closer to him. He flinched at your sudden movement, but relaxed when he realized you didn't mean any harm.

"What happened?" You asked quietly.

He sighed, slumping down onto the floor. You joined him.

"There was an... incident," He responded. "I-I scared a child. I didn't mean to! I just-" He sighed again, rubbing his face with his hands.

Your frown deepened. He seemed really upset about the event. It was almost sweet how much he cared. "Is that why Sun didn't want me to turn the lights off?" You were sure you knew the answer already, but you decided to get some clarification nonetheless.

Sunshine & Roses ~ A Sun/Moon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now