"You're not allowed here missy" one of them speaks as he smirks at the guy next to him.

I'm not stupid I know that

"But whyyyy," I start as I pout with my lower lip.


"Here is the plan," Maverick starts

We were in a room with Maverick and everyone else who was going to be taking care of this business. It consisted of Callum, our best getaway driver, me, and 2 others. This is going to be a 4 man team.

"Callum you stay in the car, The second you 2 get the files, tell Callum to pick you two up. Zoe once you hear the signal get out of there Callum will have the car pulled out in front of the bar," he spoke.

"Zoe stall the "guards" in front of the VIP room until you hear the signal there will be between 2-3 men in front of the door. If they start to get suspicious and want to check in the VIP room make sure to not allow them or else it will be a mess" he continued.

"Why are they called guards? I mean it's just a bar" I chuckle.

"Well it is a bar, but the VIP room isn't" Maverick grinned.

"Okay well, do you want me to try to lead them out of the bar?" I say

"That will be practically impossible Taylor" Callum spoke jokingly rolling his eyes "they are trained to stay put for the sole reason of something like this happening"

Okay that's actually a fair point

"Then you guys hurry up, I don't know how long I can stall them considering it's my first time being out on the field," I say as I removed the lollipop from my mouth.

"You sure she can do this boss, not to doubt you or anything but I mean she's only 13 and what if she messes something up" another man spoke.

"That's the point, giving the guards this idea THAT she is so young and can't protect herself is the key to her being able to keep them busy but of course Zoe, hopefully, you don't make a mistake ... no correction you better not" Maverick glares with a smirk plastered on his face.

Everyone makes their way out so I get up and head out as well.

"Zoe a word with you" Maverick calls.

Am I in trouble for eating during a plan meeting I mean it's just a lollipop

"Yes Maverick?" I said tilting my head

"Boss to you" he reaches for something in his pocket and brings it in front of his face to show it It's a simple knife, it's pure black with a silver rose design on the handle.

"What's that?" I get close trying to grab it. He moves back so I can't reach

"It's your little trump card, I'm expecting you to not even need to use it"

It's just a knife though?

End of Flashback

"But whyyyy" I start my act as I pout.

"Is she drunk or something?" the other man laughs.

"Hmmmm maybe" I laugh trying to sound cute. I swayed from one foot to another as my heels hit the floor trying to act as drunk as possible.

I'm going to puke this is so gross but this is kind of funnnn I wish I was allowed to kill them....I sound like my mom.

I discretely lean closer to the door so I can place my ear against it.

I can hear slight muttering wait I think I heard the back door open. The other 2 must have just arrived.

"Ma'am move away from the door," the man says pulling me away.

"OOooO sorry lost my balance thereee hehe" I giggle.

'Zoe we're in we will be as fast as we can it shouldn't be too difficult - WAIT LISTEN HERE AYE WAIT got to go-'

I hear through my earpiece.

"So what are your names" I smile as I put my hands behind my back leaning foward.

"Why, are you interested?" one of the men smirks.

"Can't I?" I giggle still swaying back and forth giving off the impression that I'm drunk.

"Well mine is Mark and his is Logan" Mark speaks.

"OoOo well mine is Z- I mean lily" I studder.

I'm so dumb why would I give my name away this is literally one of the first things I learned from my parents.

'Zoe things are about to get loud in here try to get them away from the door'

I bring my hand to my earpiece acting as if I'm tucking my hair back

"I'll try" I mutter into my earpiece

Didn't Callum literally tell how this WOULDNT be possible?

-5 minutes later -

I've been stalling for the past 5 minutes what's taking so long?

"Haha totally" I giggle.

"Your pretty funny you know that" Mark smiles.

He looks into my eyes as he places his hand on my waist.

Ugh, why do some men have the urge to touch women without even asking

"You're not too bad yourself," I say as I lean back making him move closer to me. His back finally leaving the wall next to the door.

"Wanna go drink something," Mark smiles. "I know the perfect drink for you."

This is perfect we can drink downstairs which is very crowded so he can't pull something...ugh but what about the other guy standing in front of the door he won't budge.

"Oi mate what are you talking about, you get distracted so quickly by some little girl it's pathetic" Logan complains.

"Uh I was just kidding stop getting so angry," Mark says as he rubs his neck with his empty hand


I lean back and walk a couple of steps away as I place my hand on my earpiece.

"What's taking so long hurry up" I whisper yell into my earpiece.

I wait a couple of seconds when I hear no response, I walk back next to the guards and stand there smiling waiting for a reply.

'Can't..things are getting pretty bad here AYE ALEX HE'S COMING FROM THE LEFT I'm trying my best to keep things quiet here- z-Zoe-zo-'

The audio cut out?


(A/n: I haven't posted in sooooo long my bad. But like I already have the next chapter ready I have been working on making the book make sense  ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿(◡︵◡))

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