Chapter 4: Rain

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-Robins POV-

why do i feel like this. why does it hurt so much. two days ago i hated y/ns guts. i kind of feel that way again.

"Robin what are you doing" y/n says running after me.

"i'm getting the binoculars...going to spy on the roof." i say without making eye contact. how dare she. i don't want to talk to her. i don't want to talk to anyone. why did i get myself into this mess.

"well come with you." Steve says. i hate Steve. how dare he. i just became friends with her. he'll steal her away.

"no i'm going by myself."

"it's not safe" Dustin says.

"we're coming with you." y/n says. "that's that."

great. we get to the roof and start looking.

"look for Inperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes." i say.

"they're with that whistling guy, ten o'clock." the kid says. he might be the only useful one right now. the only one i can stand.

"what do you thinks in there." Steve asks.

"what do you think Dingus." i can't stand him.

"guns, bombs, chemical weapons." Dustin says. "whatever it is their armed to the teeth."

"great" y/n says. one of the guys with a gun opens a door for the whistling man. "what's in there?" y/n asks.

"more boxes" Dustin says.

"i wanna see." i say. Dustin hands me the binoculars. he's right. there are a lot of boxes.

"let me check it out" Steve tried to grab the binoculars.

"no i'm not done looking" i say grabbing them back.

"let me see it."

"no Steve gosh you steal everything!" i actually drop the binoculars. "look what you did dingus."

"duck!" Dustin whisper yells. we all duck. i grab whoever hand is closest. funny. it's soft. and comforting. i look up and see it's y/ns hand. i quickly let go.

we all quickly get out of our hiding spot and into a door that's hidden from the Russians vision.

"well we found the Russians." i say.

"yeah and we would've gotten to know more if you weren't such a bitch and dropped the binoculars." y/n snaps at me.

"that was your boyfriend's fault y/n...not mine" i walk out of the mall and go to my bike.

"Robin you can't bike home." y/n says running after me. "it's raining too hard"

"just leave me alone y/n" i get on my bike and start peddling.

i should've gone with y/n. the rain is cold and i can't see in front of me. my safest bet is to wait the storm out.


im on my way home, and i spot someone sitting on the side of the road. what kind of crazy person sits in the ra-


"y/n i told you to leave me alone."

"yeah that's not happening." i say getting out of my car. "you could get sick."

"why do you care." Robin says, still sitting.

"because we're friends now. and i care about you." i say. she looks up at me and smiles a little. "now put your bike in the car and get in."

You Suck- Robin Buckley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now