Chapter 5: The Plan

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  -Y/Ns POV-

   We're currently on top of the roof again spying on the russians.

    "that keycard opens the door but unfortunately, the Russian with the keycard has a massive gun." Dustin says holding the binoculars.

   "so we need it" i say. "how are we going to get it?"

   "we need a plan." Robin says.

   "yeah well we also need to go somewhere private, so let's go to the parlor." Steve says.

we head to the parlor and go to the back to figure out our plan.

"whatever is in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it." Dustin says pacing back and forth.

"but there's gotta be a way in." Robin says.

"well you know" Steve says putting his arm around me. i fake a smile and glance at Robin. we haven't talked much about last night and i'm still dating Steve, but ik this has to be awkward for her. "i could just take him out."

"take who out?" Robin says already knowing the answer.

"the Russian guard." Steve says looking at us. "what? i sneak up behind him, i knock him out and i take his keycard. it's easy."

"did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin says.

"yes, Dustin, i did." Steve rolls his eyes. "and that's why i would be sneaking."

"Well please tell me this and be honest...have you ever actually won a fight?" Dustin asks.

"okay that was one time—"

"two times...Jonathan, year prior" Dustin says.

"listen that doesn't count."

"Steve, hon, yes it does." i say. "he beat you up pretty badly." i knew bc i had to clean the wounds.

"yeah he beat the shit out of you." Dustin says. while they go back and forth, and i see Robin look away.

"y/n come here for a sec."

i get up from next to Steve and go next to her.

"what is it."

"the vents lead to every room in the mall right."

"well yeah they need air."

"that just might work then." she gets up and grabs all the tips out of the top jar.

"Robin... Hey Robin What are you doing?" Steve asks as we chase after her.

"i need cash." She says.

"yeah well a third of that's mine and another third of that is y/ns." Steve says.

"yeah id like my money." i say. "where are you going."

"to find a way into that room." she says "a safe way and in the meantime sling ice cream behave and don't get beat up. i'll be back in a jiff." she runs away and i look at Steve.

"well i gues we have to wait until she gets back." i say. not that he's listening because Dustin is licking his scooper.

"dude not my scooper" he says snatching it away from Dustin. "hey y/n can i see you in the back?"

    i follow him into the back, and he grabs my waist.

    "hey" he smiles.

    "hey?" i laugh back.

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