Chapter 6: Russian Elevator

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•Y/Ns POV•

"Erica do you copy?" Robin says into the walkie. we're on the roof waiting.

"mhm i copy." Erica says. "you nerds in position or what?"

"yes we're in position." Robin says. she looks at me and rolls her eyes and smiles. "it's all quiet here so you got the green light."

"green light, roger that." Erica says. "commence Operation Child Endangerment."

"she's not serious is she." i say to Steve and Robin.

"can we maybe no call it that." Robin says into the walkie.

"see you on the other side...nerds." Erica says. we direct her through the vents until she stops.

"alright nerds." Erica says. "i'm there."

"do you see anything?" Robin asks.

"yeah i see those boring boxes you're so excited about." Erica says.

"any guards?"


"booby traps?"

"if i could see them they'd be pretty shit traps wouldnt they." Erica says.

"thank you for that." Robin says. she looks at me and rolls her eyes again. we hear Erica from the walkie.

"i'm in."

"oh god." Steve says. The door opens and Erica walks out.

"free ice" she says.

"let's go down." i say. we run down to Erica.

"what do we do now." Erica asks.

"we figure out what's in those boxes." Dustin says running inside. i try peeling the tape luck.

"how are we supposed to get this open." i ask. Steve pulls a knife out of his pocket.

"don't worry i've got it." he says. he cute one of the boxes open to reveal a metal box. he looks at us before twisting the handle in the middle to open it. steam starts coming out to reveal four handles.

"that's definitely not Chinese food." Steve says. "maybe you guys should step back."

"i'm not doing that." i say.

"yeah me neither." Dustin says.

"just step back, okay?" Steve says.

"no." Dustin says.

"step back seriously."


        "seriously step back."

        "no we all die together we made that promise." i say. Steve pauses.

        "fine." he says. he pulls out a cylinder container filled with some green substance. we hear a rattling noise outside.

"is it just me or did the room just move?" Dustin asks.

      "okay let's grab this and go." Robin says. Dustin goes over to the door and tries to open it.

"which one do i press Erica" he asks.

"just press the damn button nerd"

"i am pressing the button"

"press open door"

"that's the button i'm pushing."

Stev walks up and just starts pressing on every button, suddenly another door closes and the room moves. this time more. then, we start descending down at a million miles an hour. we all start screaming and i grab onto Robin, tight.

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