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Lizzie PoV

We get to the hospital, mk parks up and we head in, we see amber y/n mangers who Chrissy goes over to amber and hugs her.

Ashley still holding my hand as I'm mentally and emotionally not okay, but also haven't said anything to anyone since leaving mine.

Ambers takes us to the room where y/n is, and the closer we get to the room the more my heart is aching, all I wanna do is go back in time and not let her leave this morning and just try and get her to spend the day with me but I didn't I was being stubborn, I stayed up all night looking after a drunk y/n to let her leave in the morning like I didn't care.

Once we get to the room, amber, chrissy and mk walks in first and I walk into the room but stop as I see her laying lifeless on the bed with wires and breathing tubes all attached to her, I step back but Ashley stops me from leaving.

My breathing get heavy and Ashley pulls me into a hug. "It's okay, she needs you by her side" Ashley says and I start to sob

I slowly calm down and let go of Ashley and turn back round and walk over to the side of y/n bed.

Once I get to y/n side I look over at my sisters Chrissy and amber, but notice her sister Chelsea and their dad is sat in the corner of the room just watching his daughter hoping she'll wake up soon.

"You can hold her hand Lizzie" Chelsea says with a broken voice and I nod my head and turn back looking at y/n and I take her hand in mine. Tears running down my face.

I take a seat next to her still holding her hand, rubbing my thumb over her stitches up knuckles
From frighting Robbie and I sob more.

"She can hear, so you can talk to her" y/n dad says trying hold his emotions in, and I nod at him and look back at y/n

"Please get through this, I can't lose you" I say with a broken voice as I start to sob more.

After a few hours of just holding y/n hand which I refuse to let go off.

"Come on Lizzie, let's go get a coffee" Ashley says as her Chrissy mk and chels are all getting up and ready to go get a coffee

"No" I say
"Lizzie come on" Chelsea says
"No, I'm not leaving her" I say as I'm crying again.

Y/n dad gets off the chair in the corner of the room and walks over to me, he bends down so he's the same level as I am I am I'm sat on the chair, and slowly takes my hand away from y/ns and I look at him.

"She'll be here when you get back, go get a coffee and get some food" he says softly to me
He stands back up and holds his hand out for me to take to help me up off the chair and I go to speak but he stops me by saying "go, she'll be here" he says and I nod my head and follow my sisters, Chrissy and Chelsea put the room to go get coffee.

Once we was in the little cafe in the hospital getting coffee, I get pulled into a hug by Chelsea.

"Shell wake up, she has to" Chelsea say holding back her tears that her baby sister may not wake back up but she keeping positive that she will.

I don't say anything back I just hug Chelsea back tight, before letting go and taking the coffee off Ashley, as we leave the cafe we notice Hailee walking towards y/n room and I feel uncomfortable knowing Hailee turned up.

"Your not seeing her Hailee" Chelsea says, which makes Hailee turn round and notice us all there behind Chelsea.

"Please, I just wanna see her" Hailee says with a shaky voice.

"No, I'm sorry but I don't think it's wise you being here when y/n girlfriend is here" Chelsea say's pointing at me as y/n girlfriend and I grip hold of my coffee a little tighter and take a deep breathe when Hailee notices me standing there

"No, no y/n said you guys was just friends" Hailee says shaking her head trying come to terms with what Chelsea just said a

"Yeah we'll Lizzie and y/n had an argument this morning, which lead y/n to you" Chrissy says and look at ashley not knowing what to say or do and Ashley just put her arm around me.

"Oh shit" Hailee says soft as she runs her hands throw her hair knowing she messed up. "Lizzie I'm sorry, y/n came over just wanting to talk but I wanted more and I got what I wanted, I thought you two was just friends I'm sorry" she adds just before she leaves the hospital, no one said anything we just watched her leave.

We all headed back to y/n room but before heading back into y/n room I pull Chelsea back as the rest head in.

"Why did you lie to Hailee saying I'm y/n girlfriend" I ask confused

"Hailee bad news, and I don't want her in my sisters life, so I'm sorry I used you but I can't have her ruining my sister life again" Chelsea says and then walks passed back into the room and I follow.

I head over to the side of y/n bed taking a seat next to her and hold her hand again, I place my head on her bed leaning on my other hand as a pillow to rest on.

My heart is breaking seeing her like this, just laying here with all the monitors attached to her, I just wish I could make her better, get her to wake up, because this isn't just killing me, it's killing her family who are trying keep it together, and her friends are probably worried sick about her as well.

After a few hours it's currently 4am in the morning, I still haven't been asleep as I refuse to as I just wanna be by her side and be awake incase she wakes up.

"Come on Lizzie" mk says and I lift my head off the bed and look over at her confused
"Where going to a hotel to get some rest come on" she adds

"No, I'm not leaving her" I say in a sleepy voice

"Lizzie you need some rest, y/n wouldn't want you doing this to yourself" Ashley says walking over to me

"I'm not leaving her" I say again but this time with tears falling down my cheeks, which Ashley wipes away.

"Just come to the hotel for a couple of hours, just get a little rest please" Ashley says and I refuse by shaking my head.

"It's fine if Lizzie wants to stay let her" mark y/n dad says as he gets up off the chair.

"You girls go get some rest, Lizzie fine being here" he says and the rest of the leave with amber to a hotel nearby.

"I'm just going down to the cafe, you need anything" mark asks me and I look over at him

"No I'm okay thank you" I say with a small smile and he nods and leave to head down to the cafe leaving me with y/n.

I lean back on the bed still holding y/n hand, placing little kisses on it.

While trying hold my tear back, as I've cried a lot tonight because I've been so scared and worried about y/n and it's breaking me she in hospital.


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