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Lizzie pov

We lift chrissy, y/n and Annemarie, it felt good to tell the truth about Robbie hitting y/n. I shouldn't of lied about not knowing in the first place.

I also noticed Annemarie really protective over y/n and also didn't like the fact me and y/n have kissed. Do that have history between them or is she just acting like it because y/n sister not there to act like that?

In the car journeys back to mine, Ashley driving and MK in the front seat while I'm in the back, just looking out the window in my own thoughts .

"Something weird happened tonight" mk say
"Like what" Ashley asks
"We'll when I went to the kitchen I saw Annemarie trying to kiss y/n" mk mentions
Hearing that, honestly made my heart drop. That's the one thing I feared is if y/n and Annemarie have anything going on between them, and for MK to see them nearly kiss hurt. I know I have a boyfriend and I shouldn't let what y/n does effect me but it does and I don't know why.

"I even asked them if they was dating" MK adds
"But y/n was straight up saying no" she carry's on talking, "when y/n left, Annemarie got pissed At y/n for saying no and leaving the kitchen to then see her cuddled up to Lizzie in the living room"
"Maybe Annemarie likes y/n" Ashley says
"Yeah maybe" MK agrees
"But y/n said AM like her older sister" I say
"Ooo Lizzie getting jealous over AM liking y/n" MK teases
"No, I'm just saying she said she wouldn't" I say
"Never say never sis" Ashley say as we pull up outside mine.

I hug my sister goodnight and bye and tell them to have a safe flight back to NYC in the morning and I'll see them soon.

I head into mine and walk into the living room, I sit on the sofa and find myself thinking about y/n.
I really do like her, but I'm dating Robbie
I know I shouldn't get worked up about who y/n dates or kisses and that but I don't want her close to anyone other then me like that.

I wake up late Sunday afternoon, I find myself on the sofa I guess I fallen asleep downstairs last night.

I head into the kitchen to make some food, I can't be bothered to have a shower and get dressed, I'm just going have a lazy day until tomorrow.

I head back into the living room and get comfy on the sofa, I drift in and out of sleep for the whole day, while watching random movies on tv. Every so often I think about y/n, and I wish I was in NYC with her.


It's now early hours Monday morning, i look at my head to see it's 5am, I head upstairs to bed, as I get into bed as I'm about to put my phone on the bedside table I noticed I have a message from y/n.

That's odd she never texted me before, and I've never texted her, even when we exchanged numbers at girls weekend.

I open the message from y/n

Y/n :
Lizzie I know this is out the blue, but I don't know how to tell you.  You're sister Ashley kissed me tonight on the rooftop of a bar

As I read y/n message over and over trying process what's she just said, I start to get upset but angry that's Ashley kissed y/n, I knew she would flirt with y/n but I didn't actually think she would kiss her.

What am I meant to say back to y/n, I can't act crazy because I've got a boyfriend, and me and y/n not dating.
Also maybe her and Annemarie are nothing more, if ashley came on to y/n.

Y/n :
Lizzie I know this is out the blue, but I don't know how to tell you.  You're sister Ashley kissed me tonight on the rooftop of a bar

Oh really, that's interesting. Thanks for telling me.

The fact I just sent the most stupid and dumb text back is awful. But I'm not angry at y/n she being honest with me and open to me. My issue is my sister thinking it's okay to kiss y/n .

Without thinking I text Ashley

Got anything to tell me?

Morning, and no I don't think so

Oh really, that's interesting

Why is Ashley lying to me?
Or is Y/n lying, but why would y/n lie about that?

What's interesting?

You kissing y/n last night?

Oh that, haha yeah I kissed her

Ashley this isn't funny, why do it?

I'm so angry right now, that's she things it's funny, it's not funny, I wanna know why she would do that, and then act like it didn't happen?

She cute that's why, and it's funny how jealous your being!

I'm not jealous, I'm pissed you kissed her!

Get over it, you have a boyfriend, and she single, so if I wanna kiss her I will!

Doesn't matter if I have a boyfriend, you had no right to kiss her!

Well why care so much about me kissing her?
You say you got a boyfriend and you love him but then you cheated on him with her but now your pissed that I kissed her.

What I did, I know I shouldn't of but I did , no I don't regret kissing y/n, but what I don't appreciate is my sister going for the girl I want!

Haha, there it is, sorry to disappoint you, but you can't have her while your dating him!

I can't believe I just told Ashley I want y/n, but she is right I can't have her when I'm with Robbie.
I shouldn't be getting pissed that Ashley kissed y/n they are both single and she not my girlfriend.

I'm so fuck right now, my minds going on overdrive, I really don't know what todo. I'm not going answer Ashley back, because we are just going argue more.

We're just friends  - Elizabeth Olsen - Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora