22 ashwinder avenue

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Neoma groggily made her way down the stairs at The Leaky Cauldron, her legs aching from the sprinting she had done the night prior. Moody had let everyone go home, but he wanted to reconvene with them at twelve to debrief. It was now eleven, and she looked forward to a nice breakfast before facing the mild panic that seeped into her bones whenever she took part in a conversation regarding the war. 

"Good morning Kraig," Neoma smiled softly, walking over to the bar where a familiar face sat. He had been working more than ever as of late, picking up night shifts on almost every week day and taking double shifts on weekends to capitalize on the increased foot traffic. 

"Hey!" His bored expression shifted to one of excitement immediately, sky-coloured eyes shining with amusement as he observed Neoma's bed head. "Long night?"

Her cheeks flushed as she ran her fingers through her hair, aware that she probably looked a mess. "Something like that."

"I think you have some friends waiting for you." Kraig lifted a finger to point across the room, where it looked suspiciously like the Gryffindor table at Hogwarts; James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and Kingsley took up the central table, causing a ruckus. She was shocked she hadn't noticed them right off the bat.

"Did you go to Hogwarts?" She asked him, tilting her head, deciding not to join her friends just yet. 

"Yeah! I graduated, well, five years ago I guess."

"Oh? What was your house?"


Neoma hummed in thought. "Hufflepuff?"

"Ravenclaw, actually."

Neoma nodded, peering up at him with interest. She hadn't pegged Kraig as a Ravenclaw, but she supposed she really knew nothing about him besides his occupation. 

"I better get over there." Neoma took a step backward, keeping her eyes trained on him. "You working tonight?"

"Do you even have to ask that question?"

Neoma laughed. "Well, I'll see you around."

"Yeah." Kraig watched her turn around and leave, a ghost of a smile resting on his face. When he finally tore his eyes from her they met a pair of amber ones, who watched him with an unreadable expression before they snapped to Neoma's approaching figure. 

"Good morning, Miss Neemy!" Sirius grinned. "You look mighty beautiful and awake!"

"Sod off," Neoma laughed, glancing around for an empty seat. There was one in between Lily and Peter, right across from Remus and James. "Why are you all here?"

"To celebrate our first ... 'party'!" Sirius exclaimed.

"I'm happy you guys are safe. Raincloud shouldn't have sprung such a dangerous ... party ... onto you guys like that without warning." Lily frowned.

"That's Raincloud's style, unfortunately," Kingsley spoke through a mouthful of scrambled egg. "Nott would know. He loves to brag about the damage he's done to her."

Neoma couldn't help the grin that spread across her features.

"Padfoot left without telling us!" James exclaimed. "I had no idea he left until I got his patronus in the middle of the night."

"Yeah, he sent it to my room on accident." Remus smirked as he teased his friend, and Neoma absentmindedly smiled.

 "So when are you moving out of this place?" Marlene asked from a few seats down. "Well, actually, if that bloke over there is the bartender you're always on about, then I can't blame you for wanting to stay -"

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