summer perspectives, 1977

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NEOMA NOTT - July 18, 1977

The skies were painted a familiar gray as Neoma Nott and her father, Nicodemus Nott, walked beneath the umbrage of yew and pine that the forest provided. A brook babbled nearby, and the faint buzzing of insects drifted through the leaves. 

"You look so much like your mother now that you're older," Nicodemus smiled faintly. "I remember you looked just like me when you were little." 

Neoma grinned, stooping down to uproot some Althaea and throw it into her basket. "Our baby pictures were practically identical," she reminded him. "Either you looked very feminine or I looked very masculine."

"My father thought I was a little girl when he first saw me," The man chuckled. "You can barely tell that we're related, now." He continued. His eyes fell to the ground, and a familiar ache consumed his chest as he thought of the time that had escaped him. "I suppose that's for the best."

The corners of Neoma's mouth turned downward as she glanced toward her father. His hair hung around his head like a shaggy mop, and worry lines creased his forehead. 

"Dad, we'll be okay." Neoma placed a hand on his arm, offering him a gentle smile. "I'll talk to Dumbledore like we planned. He'll help us."

"I can't be saved." His voice was pained as he thought back to the crimes he committed, and he absentmindedly brushed his fingers over the mark over his forearm. "But you can, Neoma. And hopefully the world, too, if Dumbledore gets involved."

They continued their walk, both silently reflecting on the past and present. Neoma would stop here and there to gather some of the local flora, which she would later dry and store for future use. Nicodemus helped occasionally, though his additions to her collection would not be useful at all; a leaf here, a twig there...maybe even a pebble. Neoma rolled her eyes at his antics, but she was happy to see her father joking around.

 REMUS LUPIN - JULY 18, 1977

"I didn't get Head Boy." Remus's heart deflated as his eyes scanned the letter before him. It was a standard Hogwarts letter; no badge, no congratulations. 

"Oh, sweetie, maybe it's for the best." Hope Lupin offered him a sympathetic smile as she scooped some cookie dough onto a baking sheet. "Now you can focus on your N.E.W.T. exams."

"You'll need the extra time if you're taking advanced potions." Remus's father, Lyall, piped up from his spot at the kitchen table. "Us Lupins aren't good at that stuff."

Remus shrugged, though he knew his father was right; potions was definitely his toughest subject.

"Who d'you think became Head Boy, then?" Lyall tilted his head inquisitively as he sipped on his morning tea. 

"I don't know. Viraj Patil, maybe - Hufflepuff's prefect. I don't know why I'm even surprised." Remus frowned, pulling a chocolate chip from one of the raw lumps of cookie dough and popping it into his mouth. "I mean, Dumbledore probably took into consideration that I'd be unavailable for duties for a few days each moth. It isn't such a problem as a prefect, but Head Boy..."

"Well I don't see how it's a problem." Hope huffed, her soft features contorting her anger. "Those kids have prefects and professors looking out for them. Who cares if the Head Boy can't be available for a night or two?"

"Like you said, it's probably for the best, Mum." Remus shrugged, re-folding his letter and putting it in his pocket. He moved around the counter to help her bake and kissed the top of her head, which was covered in light brown hair, streaked with gray.


"What in the actual hell?" Sirius Black flipped the Head Boy badge over in his hand a couple of times, making sure it was real. James Potter looked just as shocked as his friend.

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