a difference of opinion

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"This is our last Hogsmeade trip ever," Marlene pouted, tossing a cinnamera into her mouth. "I wish I could freeze time."

Alice hummed in agreement, trying on a big, floppy hat that was hung over the 'sale' rack at Gladrags Wizardwear. "Is this too much?"

"Absolutely," Dorcas laughed, taking the hat off of the girl's head and putting it on her own. "Marlene, what d'you think?"

"Looked better on Alice," Marlene winked. Dorcas feigned being hurt as she handed the hat back to its original owner. 

"James wants to take me on a picnic ..." Lily murmured, taking a confused glance around the store. "What do I wear to that? What does that mean? A picnic ..."

"I'm pretty sure a picnic is a picnic, Lils."

"You don't get it, Neoma. It's a picnic - with James."

"I'm not sure I'm following, because it sounds pretty straightforward to me ..."

Lily chewed on her bottom lip as she started to look through the sundresses. "I just don't know if we're moving too fast. I dunno, I feel like everything is good - great, even - but I just can't help but wonder if maybe I should be thinking a little more about this -"

"It's a picnic -"

"I mean, I could barely stand him a year ago, and now here I am getting ready to go on a picnic with him -"

"Lily -"

"Just let her figure this out," Marlene whispered. "She's been getting like this a lot recently. I think she's taken aback by how well it's going."

"And do you think a dress is too much? Should I just show up in my uniform? Honestly, what was Potter thinking inviting me to a picnic ..."

"I think you could wear a potato sack and James would be perfectly content, Lily," Neoma pointed out.

"Same goes for you!"

"Uh - I don't think James wants to see me in a potato sack -"

"No, you and Remus!"

Suddenly all eyes were on Neoma, who immediately turned a bright pink. 

"No clue what you're talking about."

"We all saw you two eye-fucking at the party last week. Getting quite handsy, too." Marlene waggled her eyebrows. "No judgement here, Neems. We love Remus!"

"I was not 'eye-fucking' Remus, and he was not 'eye-fucking' me," Neoma scoffed, suddenly becoming interested in the very ghastly, very aquamarine robes behind her. "We were just drunk, is all."

"Mhm, okay," Dorcas shared a knowing look with the rest of the girls before turning her attention back to Lily. "Lils, Neoma's right - Potter doesn't care what you wear. Just pick something and please Merlin get me out of this store."

"Didn't you and Remus plan on going to Dervish and Banges before we all meet up at Three Broomsticks?" Marlene seemed to be intent on dragging out Neoma's misery for a moment longer.

"I - well - you guys can come, too!"

"No no, you go ahead." Alice gave Neoma's shoulder a squeeze. "Wouldn't want to get in the way of any eye-fucking."


"Bye, Neoma!" Marlene kissed her cheek before guiding her to the front entrance of the shop. "Just remember the contraceptive charm -"

"Marlene, nothing like that is going on. I'm serious." 

"Yeah, yeah, we know. For now."


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