Chapter 11

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What had happened with Boreas kind of scared the shit out of Freya.

She was glad they'd gotten out, no doubt about that, but she knew fairly well Boreas didn't let them off out of kindness or pity. She'd seen the amusement in his eyes, more cruel then anything she'd ever seen before. He had let them off because he realized whatever Hera was doing, and possibly thought it was so dangerous and stupid, it wouldn't play out well.

You will tear each other apart,

Freya hated that she knew who he was talking about. At first, she didn't really want to admit it to herself, but she realized that she was one of the eight. Along with Jason, Piper and Leo. What Boreas was talking about, was probably the remaining four- how the prophetic team of heroes would not succeed in saving the world and would instead turn on each other.

Her stomach twisted just thinking about it.

She had to talk to someone, say something or else her thoughts would drown her.

She put her hand on Piper's shoulder, who seemed just as distraught, or even more so then her. "You did amazing in there. Must be pretty wicked to be able to charmspeak a god." 

Piper turned around and gave her a weak smile, then said something in French that Freya couldn't understand. "Si vous saviez la verite sur moi, vousne penseriez pas que j'etais si incroyable."

"What'd you say?" Asked Jason from behind Freya.

"I said I only talked to Boreas. It wasn't so amazing. " Freya could tell from her tone something was bothering her, but she didn't think it was the right time to talk about it.

"Oh come on," Laughed Freya. "Your powers are to die for. Imagine asking someone for something and they have to give it to you because you have hypnotizing powers."

Leo smirked and turned around to them. "Well actually, our dear Pipes used to charmspeak salesmen into giving her cars. Its pretty cool-"

"Shut up!" She turned and gave them an apologetic look. "Its not something I'm proud of."

"Are you kidding??" Grinned Freya. "That's amazing! I like you even more now."

Piper beamed back, and Freya realized that Piper would not be a half-bad friend.

Jason nodded. "Freya's right, your powers are dead-useful. If it weren't for you, we would of joined Khione's subzero hero collection. We owe you one."

"Thanks you guys," Piper looked more relieved, and some colour had returned to her face, but she still looked like something was nagging at her thoughts. Jason must of sensed it too, but said nothing. Luckily, Leo came to the rescue.

"I still can't believe Khione," he said. "She looked so nice. "

"Trust me, man," Jason said. "Snow may be pretty, but up close it's cold and nasty. We'll find you a better prom date. "

"Yeah definitely. You deserve better." Said Piper. Freya noticed the way her tone was hard, but slightly pleading too, as if seeing Leo with someone else physically pained her.

Freya knew what that felt like. Daniel was someone she'd wanted to leave in the past, but he seemed to be popping up at most thoughts of love she had. She'd known him for some time- ever since she'd been 12. When everyone had gawked at her for being Poseidon's daughter and a potential threat to the gods, he'd stood by her side. And what made her truly like him, was that even after Percy had that fight with Ares, Daniel and her had stayed friends. Even if his whole cabin resented him for dating Percy Jackson's twin sister.

Even if Daniel's father, Ares, resented him even more.

And then...well they grew up and he got cocky. He Started acting mean and disrespectful to the people who didn't deserve it. Freya had been too much under his spell to realize it, especially because he treated her like a princess. But all of that changed a few months before all hell got loose- before the battle of Manhattan. They'd had this big argument about how Daniel was neglecting her and never spending any time with her anymore. She had let her jealousy take hold of her. She'd yelled about how he cared more about one of the Aphrodite girls then her, and how he should just go with her.

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