Chapter 26

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When Jason's lance broke, she knew they were in trouble.

It was going on well enough, she thought. Run- jab-run- jab. That was the sequence they used- both of them. Jason had cought him twice in the ankle and knee, while Freya had managed to pierce his calf. They felt like wins to her- but the giant only looked annoyed. And even though he was bleeding ichor, he didn't seem all that hurt.

To comfort herself, Freya thought about how she'd battled bigger opponents just last summer. Ancient Titans, and Kronos and a battalion of monsters- They'd find a way to defeat this giant somehow. She was skilled and fast. They'd run around Enceladus and prick him in the legs till they'd give out. And then- then-

Then what?

A thought struck through Freya more starkly then any lighting ever could.

They couldn't defeat a giant without a god's help.

And they were just fresh out of gods.

While Freya's internal turmoil raged, the giant grew more irked. Enceladus's spear missed Jason by a millimeter. He kept dodging while Enceladus turned to her, and aimed that same spear at her face. She barely had time to scurry away before the spear skewered her in half, due to the ground stinking to her feet. Gaea was getting stronger, and the giant was getting faster. Enceladus might be slow, but he wasn't dumb. He began anticipating their moves, and as much energy as he had, her and Jason were slowly running out. They couldn't keep this up forever.

"I'm not some minor monster," Enceladus bellowed. "I am a giant, born to destroy gods! Your little toothpicks can't kill me, godlings. "

Neither of them answered. She was already tired, and the ground that clung to her feet weighed another 100 pounds. The air was full of smoke that burned her lungs. Fires roared around her, stoked by the winds, and the temperature was approaching the heat of an oven.

While the giant attacked Jason, she managed to get catch her breath for a second. But it didn't last long. Jason raised his javelin to block the giant's next strike—a big mistake. He managed to deflect the spear, but it grazed his shoulder, and his arm went slack. He backed up, almost tripping over a burning log.

Freya's heart beat and a trickle of fear washed over her. But no- she had to shake it off. Her friends needed her to distract the giant. Jason needed her. Especially now that he was wounded.

She acted on impulse and stupidity. Her sword slashed across both the backs of the giants calves, filling her black sword with golden blood. While the giant was busy turning around to rip her head off, she whirled around him and ran to Jason's side. His eyes- wild and open- roved over her body, checking for wounds.

She found that funny, since he was the one currently bleeding out.

"You alright?" She gasped, analyzing his wound.

"No time for me not to be," He said back.

Enceladus spun around, his eyes angry and blazing as he looked at Freya. Jason tried to back up -no doubt to lure him away- but the giant could sense their wariness. He smiled wide and cruel.

"The fierce Freya Jackson," He taunted. "Yes, we know about you, daughter of Poseidon. How you distracted Oceanus while Poseidon went to aid his fellow Olympians in the battle of Manhattan. How you single handedly slew him with your waves and sword."

Freya seethed. He was using her greatest achievements and speaking about them like they were moronic- insignificant. He turned to Jason.

"And ah- of course we know of you too, the mighty Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." His tone was mocking and falsely awed. "The one who led the assault on Mount Othrys. The one who butchered the Titan Krios unassisted and toppled the black throne. "

𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒༄  • Jᴀsᴏɴ GʀᴀᴄᴇHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin