Chapter XII "Drama and siblings instinct"

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It was time for gathering. All SCPs were ready to go, but Snow/SCP-1960 wasn't ready...

SCP-106/Lawrence: Snow? Sweetie, what's wrong???
Snow/SCP-1960: N-Nothing father..
Lawrence/106: Are you sure..?? *see bandages* Did you self-harm yourself??!
Snow: N-No!? Some D-Class boys has weapons...
Lawrence/106: O-okay..? I think I will go, so bye-
Snow: Bye, father..!

As Snow's father left, Snow was shaking even more than always.
She started to think what's wrong with her then her vision started to get blurry... Snow manage to run to room, but she fainted in front of the table where medicines were...

At the gathering.

Abel/SCP-076: Welcome everyone! Today we will make decision is Snow should be moved to the other side of foundation or not.
Valemond: *whisper* What..?!
Abel: But we before we will make this decision our friend, Luc want to tell us sth. Come on, Luc!
Luc: Thanks, Abel.. Listen everyone. Me and Marc month ago discovered that our daughter, Alice was lying, faking her injured and mostly manipulate Valemond and Malo's son, Maurice!!

Everybody: What?!
Luc: It's true!!

Abel'a mind.
Abel: What?! How did they realized... oh no.. if they will found out it was me.. than Lila will break up with me..
End of Abel's mind.

Abel: Are you sure?
Luc: Yes- Besides she and
Maurice made the plan to not only kill Dove, but also SCP-106 and SCP-096!!

P.J: WHAT?! My and Valemond's parents?!
SCP-096/Shy: *look at Valemond* Son..?
Valemond: Dad.. *hugs him* I'm sorry...
Malo/SCP-1471: Our son..? *look at Valemond*
Valemond: Malo... Maybe it was bad idea to have him in the first place..?
Malo: No.. don't think like that.. Honey.. *cries*

Abel saw Valemond and his family. He felt something like a old feeling that he had before, but where?
As the Luc continue explaining. Alice with Maurice heard everything.

Maurice: You manipulate m-me..?
Alice: What?! No- DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! THEY WANT RUIN OUR RELATIONSHIP AND OUR LIFE!!!! Besides I don't heard and see your aunt, but I see your uncle's brother and sister...
Maurice: o-okay..?

Maurice's mind.
Uncle Zero have siblings??
End of Maurice's mind.

But did they know that SCP-372 watching them all this time?

Alice: Come on, we gotta get out of there! *grab Maurice and run*
Maurice: H-Hey!

When they were running away they have ran into Dr. Wendy Ivy Butterfly or Dr. Wendy for short.

Alice: *whisper* shit..
Maurice: Oh, hello, Dr. Wendy... *wave to them*
Wendy: Maurice. Alice. You two are coming with me. NOW!
Alice & Maurice: *gulp*

At the Dr. Wendy's office.

Wendy: I think you know why are you here.
Alice: *lie* No?
Wendy: Liar! Liar! Liar!
Wendy: *chuckles* You really think that I don't know??? Who teached you lies, faking and manipulate??
Alice: *whisper* how.???
Wendy: And for you Maurice. I'm really disappointed with you..
Maurice: *nervous* Huh? What do you mean, Mrs. Wendy?
Wendy: You really think I also don't know what you were doing? *sigh* I think you two forgot about my friend, Jordan or SCP-372.
SCP-372/Jordan: Hi!
Maurice: Aahhh!
Wendy: He told me everything.
Alice: What?! No. Me or Maurice did nothing wrong! Everyone just want to RUIN OUR RELATIONSHIP!! *grab Maurice and run* aahh!

Alice didn't see that they were two men. Brandon Parker and Dr. Eira Holly Bird's husband, Jacob Lockwood.

Brandom: *grab Maurice* You are not going anywhere!
Jacob: *grab Alice* Bad girl. Now everyone will know the truth.. *put collar on her*
Alice: No!!! *try to bite his hand*

Wendy: You two will sit here with us while Jordan will go to gathering and tell everyone..
Maurice: Why..?
Jordan: Bye, losers!!! *wave to Maurice & Alice*

Wendy wanted to answer Maurice's question, but the radio sound intterupted her. Wendy grabbed the radio quickly.

Wendy: Matt? What's wrong? I'm busy!
Matthew David Birch: I know! But listen to me and send someone quickly!!!
Wendy: What's going on?!
Matthew: I found Snow laying on the floor!
Wendy: She is probably sleep-
Matthew: No, she isn't! She is not moving or breathing!!!
Wendy: what... have you tried?
Wendy: Fine! *pull the radio down* Yuri!
Dr. Yuri Butterfly: Yes, sister?
Wendy: Go to SCP-1960's cell quickly!!! Now...
Yuri: Okay!!! *run*

Jacob: What's going on?
Wendy: Can you get your wife and go to SCP-1960's cell...?
Jacob: Y-yes, of course! *run*
Alice: Wait? SCP-1960? Isn't-
Wendy: Yes.. It's all YOUR FAULT!!!
Alice & Maurice: What..?

Back to the gathering.

Victor: Abel! Abel!
Abel: What? Can you be quiet for the moment?
Victor: I can, but SCP-372 want to talk with everyone.
Abel: Who?
Jordan: Hello there.
Abel: Aahhh, okay.. fine. Listen everyone! Our unexpected guest. Want to tell us sth.
Jordan: So.. Like everyone know about Alice and Maurice. I want to tell some thing.
Loulou: Huh?
Thomas: What the-

As everyone were questioning why SCP-372 was here. Roman felt like he got the singal from his little brother, Zero same as Julie got the signal.

Roman: Saturn?
Saturn: Yes?
Roman: I need to go..
Saturn: Is Sawn and Noe are okay???
Julie: Your children are okay, but our brother is not okay..
Saturn: Zero.?? Isn't he babysit our children????
Roman: Yes, he is.. But we got signal from him and we need to check on him... Pls... listen to SCP-372 and later tell me what has happened...okay?
Saturn: *sigh* Fine *kiss Roman* Bye..
Roman: Bye! Come on, Julie we Gotta go!

End of chapter XII...

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