Chapter 46 "What am I to you?"

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Solara's eyes fluttered open in the dimly lit room. The sun hadn't risen yet, and yet she felt rested. She felt as if she had gotten the first proper night's sleep in ages. Perhaps it was the nap they had taken earlier in the day, or then it was simply the fact that he was sleeping blissfully next to her-

There was a snore in the middle of the serene, quiet night.

She turned her head to her right, seeing Fuego's form right there, nearly touching her. A smile crept onto her lips, despite the raspy sound dragging through the air.

Hmm... Is that so? She chuckled to herself while turning onto her side and placing her hand onto his chest.

The sound ceased. It was as if the weight of her hand was enough to notify him, make him pay attention to her, instead of whatever it was that he dreamt about.

Another smile tugged her lips, even if she stayed perfectly still, hoping that she hadn't woken him. But nothing happened. His chest kept rising and falling under her touch just the same. Warmth flickered in her chest as she closed her eyes again and let the faint scent of lavender, that always laced him, combining with the rest of him, lull her into bliss.

There was a sound of a bell ringing in the air, which made him shift and sigh groggily.

"Good morning, my love," she spoke with a flutter through the darkness, the words laced with a gentle chuckle.

His lips tugged up with the soft welcome into the waking world, the melody of her voice caressing his ears as the first thing in the morning.

"Good morning darling," he replied while casting his fire arm, illuminating the room with a cascading glow. "Did you have trouble sleeping?" His voice gathered an undertone of worry.

"No..." she smiled. "I just woke up a moment ago, and I can't remember when I last felt this rested."

"Good to hear," he replied while rolling onto his side and pressing a kiss onto her forehead.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked as he was already rolling out of the bed, but she reached over to grab him by the arm.

"Hm?" He hummed while turning to look at her, to see the light of his flames cascading over her complexion, illuminating the faint specks of gold in her eyes, and gliding over her strawberry blond locks. "I did," he smiled to her with a tender gaze. "But I have to go to work dear. It's been piling up," he continued while stroking her hand.

"Five more minutes?" She pleaded with a soft smile.

He let out a faint chuckle while taking a hold of her hand and lifting it onto his lips, pressing a kiss onto it. "You know that it wouldn't stay at five minutes with you," he smirked.

"Hmmm," she hummed with amusement. "I see you're onto my very devious plan..."

"I am," he chuckled, kissing her hand once more before getting out of the bed.

A brief silence lingered in the room as he made his way to the dressing table. And she rolled onto her back, looking at the ceiling.

"Is there anything I should know about? Anything urgent?"

"Hmm..." he thought for a moment while brushing his hair. "We are joining forces with the Heart Kingdom in order to deal with approaching threat. And we're sending some of our younger magic knights there, in the hopes of them growing significantly in the time that we have."

Solara let out a hum as she thought about it. "I didn't know that Clover has an allegiance with Heart."

"It's probably not an allegiance in the same way as you think. But we've never been on hostile terms. The Heart Kingdom is..." he paused for a moment, letting out a chuckle. "I suppose it's like Thea in many ways. They're secretive as well, and careful about who they let through their borders," he smiled with a tiny bit of apprehension while turning to look at her.

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