Chapter 16 A desk and a dungeon

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Sleep started subsiding from Solara as she felt colder than a moment before, her hand reaching onto the other side of the bed in search of Fuegoleon. But all she felt brushing against her hand, were the soft, cold sheets. She curled up around herself, wrapping the covers tighter around herself while still letting one of her hands roam around. The tips of her fingers stretching out, trying to reach as far as possible, but still, coming up empty.

Her eyes fluttered open as she tried to search for that was missing, but sight did not uncover that which she wished to see. For she was alone, in her room. His warmth being replaced by the coolness of the sheets, even if she was tucked safely under covers; something that wouldn't be a reality, had she slept in the same bed all throughout the night. And, what had happened last night, wasn't a realistic dream. She knew as much.

So, she let her eyes scan around the room, only to everything in place, just as she had left them. Every *thing* was in its place, and nobody was there, except for herself. Why, she thought as she lifted herself up, letting the blanket slide off of her; the cool air licking her skin. Her gaze still moved around, holding onto the faint hope that he might still be somewhere around. But as she laid her feet onto the cold floor, what warmth might have still been there, now seeped away from her, taking hope along with it. I mean, we...we did talk about the underlying impressions for a moment. But-, I did tell him that-. Just why? So, people might have concluded some things, but would it really have mattered? Especially if we had owned up to it? Shown that it wasn't just sleeping around. Yes, nothing happened... Not in that way at least, but- I just- She let out a sigh as she got up and started changing into her uniform.

Did I not make my feelings clear to him? She questioned, the soft fabric of her clothes wrapping tightly around her; and yet she shivered. Did I not say that he couldn't tarnish me or my reputation? She brushed her hair and tied it half-up. Did I not... What was it that I didn't do? She wondered as she started making her way down to breakfast.

The same smiling faces that were always present, greeted her in the dining hall, with one addition. Out of all the mornings, he joins us on this one? She let her gaze travel around, skipping over his, as she pulled her chair back and sat down.

"Good morning," she answered to the wishes she had received, a bright smile decorating her lips. After all, they hadn't caused the tensing of her muscles, and the swirling emotions building up in her chest, making her feel as if she was cast aside. Heavy clouds hung above her head, just as she had thought that maybe, just maybe, her and him could be. Which made her feel like the golden strings of fate had started weaving their hearts together in the dead of the night, but instead of being woken in his warm embrace, she was slapped by a cold bed, a cold room and ...waking up alone. And it made her feel like her love didn't suffice, and it ate her. It started from the pit of her stomach, and crawled all the way up to her chest, gnawing her, consuming her. But, for whatever reason, it didn't chew through the strings. No, her heart was still stitched together, even though it only added to her pain. All it did, was give her heart more room to cry and fill that forming void with the tears of her heart.

"Good morning," Fuegoleon still greeted with a soft tone, to which Mereo quirked an eyebrow, despite neither of the two noticing it. His words fluttered to her with gentle, fragile wings, but instead of being allowed to land onto her complexion and caress her ears; they thumbed against her, barely reaching her.

"Good morning," she replied; her tone stripped of the warmth it had had a moment ago, her smile fading along with it. You seem almost proud... Why is that?

The look she gave him, washed away his smile, and instead a confused frown overtook him. I- She's again looking at me like that... I did make the right choice, didn't I?

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