Chapter 15 Dreams

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Solara could feel the lack of sleep starting to weigh her down, along with everything that would happen, or might happen. Though mostly the worry was caused by all the possibilities that hadn't become a reality just yet; making her tumble deeper and deeper into the sea of less than favourable possibilities, down to the point where, in the wee hours of the night, she nearly sided with Selena's fears. But every time, after every night, the sun still rose into the sky, casting those thoughts to the side.

No, there's a world of difference between where it's now, and what Lena fears. She'd think and sigh, every time those fears and thoughts tried to surface. And allowing light, no matter how faint, surround herself with the thought. Things will sort themselves out, she assured herself. Life has a habit of doing that. Just like 20... she hesitated for a moment, biting down her molars as an image of a scar flashed through her mind. A scar that ran from the right shoulder all the way down a back, onto the left hip; reaching deep within the muscles.

Just like 10 years ago... She hesitated once more as the memories of smelling something burning...sound of someone screaming... the sensation of something warm dripping down her arm reached her. Life...has a way of sorting things out...Life has a way of...moving forward, even if we'd be reluctant to do so. All we can do is endure it, deal with it... She took a deep breath. All we can do is deal with it. Even if the hardest thing one ever needs to do, is to deal with that which scares them. But it'll make you all the stronger. Every time I overcome something; I can say that I'm stronger than that which tried to devour me; throw me into the darkness of a pitch-black void.

Her train of thought halted for a moment. But then again, did I not once upon say that too? She thought as another memory coursed through her, which was followed by something her father once told her: "Every sun is set in darkness, and yet they shine. Because they do not reflect the light of others. They are their own light." She chuckled to herself. That's true.

So, she went through the motions for that day as well, sitting by her desk to find a document on which laid a name, one that made her brows furrow in wonder. 'Devil banishers' huh? She let her eyes dance over the lines, focusing on everything it had to offer. I see; the aftermath, the turmoil is beginning to shine through. Her expression was washed with melancholy as she continued to read, only to let out a heavy sigh, and started going through her work for the day.


Solara walked down the empty corridors, the floor feeling cool under her feet as she rubbed her eyes. Do I really need to have a glass of water this badly...? She pondered to herself as she drowsily made her way forward, letting her feet do the thinking in her place. She hoped that they'd take her to her destination, so she yawned, trying to remember what she'd have instore the next day. The schedule ran, flowed through her mind, clearing the dust in her eyes.

She stopped and looked around. This is nowhere near the kitchen...she sighed to herself. What was I thinking? Well actually I know fully well what I was thinking, but just... ugh. She rubbed her temples and turned around, but was stopped by a yell that pierced through the darkness.

Her heart stopped and eyes shot open as she knew that voice.

It was... Fuegoleon...

She bolted from the spot, no thoughts, just a drive to get to him as fast as possible. Her heart sank deeper in her chest, the strings around it being wrapped tighter and tighter until she was sure it might tear open. But pain was not what she felt, as all she could focus on was the direction of his yell, her eyes only seeing the path that was laid before her. She could not think as her feet carried her forward, only feeling the suffocating dread of arriving too late. Please no...she whispered in her mind; a silent prayer slipping from her as she feared to finish the thought, the cause of her prayer.

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