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I went back with Vegas and he waved me away, sending me for break as he went into his room with Pete. Jesus, the two of them were probably gonna be at it again.

I fled, going to the garden for a smoke. As I was puffing away, I heard someone talking away on the phone.

"They have no idea. Now they plan to send Big in as undercover to spy on you so that they can take you out. Be careful. And if possible, fucking take Big out."

I snuck behind the bushes and turned to see whom it was. It was one of Vegas's most longest serving guards, the 2nd lead in command Tung. What the....
Was he possibly working for the other side all this while?

I stepped away as quietly as possible and turned to go, as quickly as I could towards the Manor. Just then, a few steps in, I heard a crunching sound, that of someone stepping on some wooden branches and I turned only to get whacked in the face by a huge wooden branch. I went flying and groggily tried to sit up, realizing it was Tung and he must have seen me.

I stood up, trying to shake my pain away and I clenched my fists in fight stance.

"Fucking double crosser, aren't you?"

"You aren't any better. You were going to do the exact same shit."

"You jackass. We never came in your way until now but you guys been on this shit for 10 years now! Fuckers!"

I ran at Tung and hit him. He went flying but stood right up again. Oh fucker can fight. He threw a couple of punches which I managed to dodge. I sent some and he managed to escape them too.

I turned around and flipped him and sat on his chest, trying to break his arm. But at the very last bit, he flipped me off and I scrambled away to get my bearings. I could hear Vegas and the rest, running, having been alerted but then I also saw Tung take out his gun.

But when he took aim, he didn't aim it at me. I realized it was somewhat behind me instead. I turned to see Kinn running towards us too and that's when I knew. I turned and I ran towards Tung to distract him and he almost did but he took his shot simultaneously. I moved towards my right to get that bullet instead and it went right through me, near my heart.

And I went down, as Tung tried to bail, I went straight down into Kinn's arms who looked so stricken for the first time ever.

I looked at him and I heard him ask was, "why the fuck." And I remember smiling as I answered, "It's my job Sir." But before I closed my eyes, I told him, "But its also because I love you..........Kinn."

With that, everything went black.

My Bodyguard Love [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now