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I watched as this fellow just grabbed my hand closer to him and then he fell asleep. What the...

This time, I couldn't help but let that tiny smile come over me. But there was no one around so I could grant myself that. A bit later, the nurse came in and she saw me sitting that with my hand clamped by a sleeping Big. She raised her eyebrows and smiled a little but she didn't say a single word. I just watched her go about her work, checking on Big and his drips, my face reddening with every passing minute.

Finally about 30 minutes later, Big let go himself in his sleeping stupor and I stood up, upright, combing my hands through my hair nervously whilst pretending to be stoic. Maybe it wasn't good for me to be here. I fled and left.

I'm not sure on what time Big finally woke up but I couldn't help it and went back to the hospital around 8pm. I found Big finally having some dinner. He didn't realize I was there and was having some porridge but I was pissed that dinner was served this late to him. I went straight out to the nurses station and finally found the PM nurse, the same as earlier.

She saw me and before I could say anything, she happily chirped at me.

"Am I glad you are here! Can you please tell that faen of yours not to be stubborn and eat so he can take his medicines?! He absolutely didn't want to eat and threw a tantrum since 5pm when we started serving dinner. He doesn't want to be on the morphine but for now it's needed so can you please tell him? He is finally taking some spoonfuls but knowing him, I am sure he is going to dump it all in the bin, which reminds me I better go check on him!"

I stopped her, assuring her I have it and I went off, not realizing her choice of words. I went into the room and true enough, it's either she knows him well or she must have met too many of such difficult patients. He was closing it up and pushing the dinner tray away from himself.


"Sir. What are you doing here?" I heard him sputter for the first time. I must have caught him off guard.

"Why aren't you eating? And so late? The nurses didn't feed you?! I'm gonna shoot that woman down."

"Jesus! Stop it. Its not her fault. I'm the one who didn't want to eat...."

Big sputtered out honestly not realising the smirk that had overtaken my face. He looked up to see me smirking and knew he had been punked. He growled. I just went closer and pushed the dinner tray back towards him and also opened it up.

He was about to retort when the nurse walked in. "I knew it! You wanted to throw it away right?! Luckily your boyfriend is here. Now please eat before I'm forced to put you on a food drip!"

Big just stared at her and finally he retorted, "He's my boss. Not my boyfriend."

I swear the look that took over her face.... it was so funny but I held it in. I just stared at her and just nodded in agreement. She fumbled and apologised but stressed he had to eat.

"Don't worry. I will make sure he will eat. You have my word." She nodded, satisfied and left. I turned to look at Big who was about to retort but when he saw the chilling look on my face, he just sighed softly, opened the container and started eating. I could see however that he didn't like it and struggled so badly. I went off without a word.

Big didn't say anything as he was used to such behavior from me. I went off and made some calls. I got his favorite food delivered on the fly and went back in 15 minutes later. Poor fellow was still struggling with the damn porridge. He looked up, surprised to see me again.

I cleared away his dinner tray and laid out his favorite soup and rolls. He looked at me surprised I knew.

"Nothing that cctvs and your colleagues can't tell me."

Big nodded his head gratefully and helped himself to the food. He cleared it faster this time and was done in no time. The nurse came back with the medicines. Post it, she looked at me and asked if she wanted me to set up a mini bed on the couch with blankets and a pillow.

Big just looked at her questioningly. "He's my boss, lady. He doesn't have to stay here. I'm fine on my own."

"That didn't seem like the case when you held onto his hand as you slept. Anyways, you need an eye on you. If you are going, please tell me so I can make rounds more often in his room. His wound was quite deep so he's still in recovery mode." She had turned towards me as she said the last part and was about to walk off.

"Mam, that blanket and pillow. Can I get it? I will keep an eye on him instead so you can focus on other patients." She smiled at me and then she left, promising to come back with the things.

"I'm fine on my own Sir. Please go home. Do not do this."

"I sent you into that situation. And you landed yourself here because of me. This is the least I can do."

"It's part of my job. Danger is everywhere. I'm fine. Please go home."

"The last I checked, I'm the boss Big. So quit it. I'm going to be here tonight and that's final."

Big sighed as he laid back. The nurse came back with my little set up and his medicines. He took it and he fell asleep quite fast this time. I just settled myself down and was reading around 2am when I heard a sound. I sat up, took out my gun and watched the door as it opened and damn, the nurse walked in.

"How come you are still here?"

"It's a double shift for me tonight. My colleague is unwell. Can I get you anything?"

I nodded no and watched as she just changed his drips and took his pressure. She watched as I put away my gun and smiled.

"What's with that smile?"

"I recognised you from the get go as my cousin used to work for your family. But I don't ever recall him telling me you were this kind towards your help. This guy must mean quite a bit to you huh?"

I watched her in silence, as she walked away and all I could think, how damn right she was.

Was I just soft towards Big or in general?

My Bodyguard Love [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now